Passion poem...

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Passion poem written at the time of night when logical thoughts run through no one's head

"Getting people to come." You looked me in the eyes.
And I took it the wrong way once again.
You do that to me, make my mind go all dreamy,
Allow my hopelessly romantic thoughts to conjure up things that should never be.
I dream of you, often.
I think of you all the time.
At night, I imagine you next to me under the covers.
I imagine lips on lips,
Lips on skin,
Skin on skin.
With every caress of your hands on my skin, I surrender a bigger piece of my soul to you.
I imagine you, in the darkness, coaxing things out of me that no one ever has before,
Binding me to you, mind, body, and soul.
Your lips are so soft on my neck.
Your fingers, all over me, are like little flames setting fire to the very core of me.
I feel you, on top of me, around me, inside me, with me, below me, surrounding me.
I imagine you making me your own, loving me until I don't know anything but your name.
Taking me until tears are streaming down my face and I'm still crying for more of you.
Pulling me over the edge with you until I can't fall any further.
Making love in the night until our breath is ragged and our bodies are no longer of this realm.
You whispering sweet nothings to me as I surrender my entire being to you again and again, not able to form words to express my pleasure any further.
You know every inch of my body, even my sensitive spots. And I love knowing that you've seen me like this.
You say my name over and over. I love it when you say my name. It sounds beautiful coming from your lips, those lips that have explored my skin and have kissed the little flower between my legs.
Your love that fills me makes me feel wonderful things.
Your beautiful smile as you look upon me in the aftermath.
Your soft but strong arms around me.
Your lips on my forehead, your fingers in my hair.
I feel all of this because of you.
I imagine it all because of you.
You make my heart soar,
But I know that all of this imagining is pointless.
Still, a part of me hopes for you and I.
And the loving part of me clings desperately to that small hope.
But I know it will never happen. You have a life and I have a very different life.
Still, my fantasies will not stop so long as you are a part of mine.
So it will always be difficult for me, though I don't wish it so.

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