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I wake up to warm sunlight falling on my face. It wasn't beautiful you know unlike you see in the movies. It was irritating. Last night had been so tiresome, with me checking out the module and preparing for the interview. It was hell crazy.

To be true, I had thought that I wouldn't be able to do a thing about this but then I decided to surf the net and find out about army men and the life they live.

It was about half past two at night when I finally decided to sleep. I wanted to talk to Abhishek but you see, EGO PROBLEMS. So, I decided to just doze off.

And right now, with this sunlight all over my face, I was burning. Delhi is just not a place you would want to live in. In summers you have to face this extreme heat and in winters it's chilling. I like the monsoons. They are the best one can enjoy here.

Thinking about last night, I slowly remembered the sacrifice of Major Abhilash Negi. Yes, this is the man whose wife I have been assigned to interview.

My eyes strolled on the beautiful picture of my family. And then suddenly, defying all my thoughts my gaze met the table clock.

Holy shit!

"I am late. I am late." I shout to myself. It just went away from my mind that I had a meeting with Vihaan. He was my half-time-mate. Well, he is the photographer who accompanies me everywhere. Sometimes, I feel so amazed that I am still able to bear on with this guy.

I picked up the towel and ran towards the bathroom. Heck yeah, I have to get ready fast. It's 10 and he would be reaching the office in about 10 minutes.

The water was okay. I finished with bathing and ran towards my cupboard. I managed taking out (errr grabbing) the mascara, eyeliner and gloss. I believe in less make up (no really? ).

Finally dressing myself in a white top with no skin show (you dirty mind) and a pair of black jeans, I shoved the keys of my car in the purse and grabbed an apple to eat if I encountered a traffic.

As I reached the parking lot, I saw this geeky, nerdy and all other words you-can-think-of guy just criss crossing his car with mine, completely knocking my little baby.

"You bloody idiot, you don't have eyes? Can't you see you are hurting my baby?" I just let it out all in one breath.

"Where baby?" the nerd stuttered looking at my face and then back again in his rear window.

"Wait I will show you, you prick"  I shouted on the top of my voice and ran towards his car to knock him down when I suddenly heard the society guard whisper behind my ears.

"Not again madam" he said trying to soothe me down.

He had grabbed me from behind and I felt suffocated. What was my fault? I know I am doing it for the 22nd time but like what really is my fault? Why do I have to encounter this every morning?

"Leave me. Just shove this guy off" I said. Well not said actually, I was snarling. The guard let his seize grow fainter and helped that geeky guy run away from me.

I was feeling like I would grow a pair of pearly long dentines like vampires and chop the guy off.

At last I was in my car. I glanced at the watch. It was already 10:20.


I am late. And crazily late. LATE, hear it again.

Driving to office has always been a sport for me. It's like the F1 thing. Nobody dares nearing my car. I fly you see. So I was in my office in barely 15 mins although a normal individual would take at least 40.

Jumping through the parked cars, I finally found my space and as soon as I parked my baby I ran towards my cabin to face this diligent idiot who is always on time and makes me feel like a mess.

It's his fault, I mentally think to assure myself that I am indeed smarter. Oh! How does it matter haan! I am his boss after all. At least somebody works under me.

"I was here 20 minutes ago" said Vihaan. Maybe he was thinking that I would apologise.


"That makes you 5 minutes late too. And over that, I already knew you would be late so I didn't want to waste my time for you. You see?" I responded coldly, feeling like my perv boss for a second.

No, I shouldn't be like her. She is so dramatic. But I wasn't like her or I would be sweet to Vihaan as he is a guy.

"Ahem" was his only response. And mine, a chuckle. At least somebody was there who I could be Bossy on. I was enjoying the limelight.

"Show me the work" I bossed again.

"What work?" he replied amazed.

What the heck! Did I really forget telling him. Oh no! This means another round of detailing. God! Why did I opt for journalism? Why did my mother not kick me in my rear when I told her that I wanted to do this?

Life is seriously very very unfair.

"Okay! I am briefing you now. But you have to get this done pretty fast. Okay?" I said harshly.

"Yeah, whatever" said Vihaan. I don't know how I fought the urge to slap him. 'Fought' being the word to be emphasised on.

"Just shut up and listen, you idiot" I said finally finding the statement without any cuss words.

And I started with the briefing.

Author's note

Hi. How have you guys been responding to this book, I still don't know. I wanted this one to be a novel and not a short story unlike my other book 'ON THE SCARS OF MY HEART'. So, you know this time you guys decide whether I should do this one as a short story or a complete book.

How is the cover? I already talked about it in the last chapter. I have no idea about your response to this book so far.

Do leave me a comment and let me know.

I was just swallowed by a dragon last week, so I couldn't update. Sorry. Haha I know it's a silly excuse. I was busy with my exams so I had a lot of work to keep me busy. Sorry. But now I have holidays for a month. So be prepared for more frequent updates.

Leave me your views. I would be glad to hear.

And yeah if possible, do vote, comment and fan.


SUN :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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