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"Why is it so hard to find a nice freaking pair of shoes!?" I grumbled looking around DSW, not knowing a clue where Gabriella was.

I had looked through all racks, not knowing if I had missed anything or not. But I definitely did not fit anything that would go with ball gown. No matter how much it covered the shoes, you never know if it is open leg of not.

Gabriella had insisted that I don't see the dress until the night of the ball, she was sure that it was my size. Apparently this is more of a celebrity ball, her father is a manager for one of the music labels so he gave her two tickets.

"Find anything?" I jumped in surprise, seeing Gabriella with some beautiful nude pumps by Steve Madden. She obviously could see that I hadn't found anything yet.

"Nope, but I see that you did." I sighed still searching, but one rack caught my eye. I hadn't stepped foot in the rack or looked at any shoes in it.

I spotted a young man who was separating shoes on the side, and me being me. I could really use a shitload of help.

"Excuse me?" I perked my voice up a little, as his head shot up.

"Yes. How may I help you?" He straightened out, throwing the shoes to the side.

"Well I'm going to masquerade in two days, and my friend has told me nothing about my dress besides the color. Which is black, and I really have searched this whole store an-"

"Okay sweetie." He snapped, interrupting me. "No need to play your whole sob story. I think I can help you out." He motioned me to follow him, as we walked through a door behind the whole store of shoes.

I was a bit shocked at his attitude, but what do you expect. It's not everyday you see a man that's like in his forties working at DSW.

"Now, black you said?" I was zoned out so I had no idea what he was talking about for a second.

"Yes her dress is black." Gabriella snapped in, as she noticed I was drifting off.

"Great, so these shoes have not come in stalk yet." He pulled out a very intricate patterned black stiletto by Chinese Laundry.

"But seeing your need, and desperation.. I'm deciding to give the first pair out to a Cinderella." He smirked, raising his eyebrow. As if he knew, that I would find someone in a few nights.

He handed me the box in a swift motion before pulling me to the cash register. After that me and Gabriella ran out to Sephora, Target, and way more places to buy all the shit we would need in two days.

Once I got home, I really felt the need to eat, and just with my luck the fridge was empty.


"IS THAT EVEN A QUESTION?" She shouted back, making me howl in laughter.

As I dialed the pizza guy, I took a look of the stack of things on the counter table and I didn't wanna know how much many I spent for this one night.

Oh dear god please tell me that this fucking masquerade will be worth something important.


"C'mon Ash! You have to pick one! You can't just wear jeans and a t-shirt!" Luke exasperated motioning his arms towards the rack that had at least five different colored tuxedos.

"Can I just try on the blazers and call it a day??" I groaned throwing my legs over the edge of the bed to help myself up.

"Fine." Luke grumbled, "At least try three."

I muttered profanities under my breath before grabbing the navy blue, the black, and the white and black blazer.

I put on the white blazer with the black outlining first, and turned to look at myself in the mirror.

Ew. Was my first thought.

"I look like I just came out of some kind of James Bond movie."

Luke laughed before throwing me the plain black blazer, as I was putting it on I felt as if it was classic. Classic but simple, and I was comfortable in it.

"I like it." I said, admiring my appearance in the mirror. Ruffling my hair as I imagined myself looking a little cleaner and fixed up.

"So I take it the navy blue one is a no go??" Luke chuckled throwing the others back on the metal rack.

"Yup. I'll wear this." I threw the jacket off, laying it on my chair before sitting myself back upright on my headboard.

"Ok one more thing Ashton."

I groaned making Luke stifle some laughter.

"Michael! Bring them in please??" Luke yelled throughout the halls.

After a few seconds, and a load of footsteps Michael ran through the door with a black bag.

"Okay we have four mask, and we think you should get to pick first." Michael layed all four on the bed.

One was pure white, it was one classic masquerade mask you'd see every man wear.

Than their was a half face one, which was silver. I didn't want that one, because I would look a bit to noticeable.

Than their was a pure black mask, it was simple but perfect. It looked sophisticated. I didn't think twice about looking at the fourth one.

"I'll wear this one." I pointed out, both boys nodded to each other and Michael made his way out. Leaving my mask on the little vanity/ desk thing.

I flopped back onto the bed before once again, throwing the covers over my body.

"God your such a lazy ass." Luke muttered making me chuckle a bit before he walked out of the room.

I couldn't help but admire Luke's long legs.

Those long skinny amazing legs.

//back to Alexis's pov//

"Why can't I see the dress?!" I argued with Gabbi.

"Because I don't want you seeing it until you have it on." She sternly responded, making me growl at her.

"Do I even have a mask? I mean it is a masquerade ball." I chuckled as I threw my hair up in a lazy bun.

"Of course you do, now will you stop worrying? I'm taking care of everything for you okay?" She assured as I pulled my covers over my body.

"Ok. I'm trusting you on this one Gabs." I said as she turned the lights off in my room.

"Don't worry babes. I don't disappoint."

And that's when the door closed.

Oh she better not disappoint.

//back to ash//

I went out to the kitchen to go grab a bite, and when I walked in I saw a whole box of pizza. We'll half of it was left.

"You ordered pizza, and you didn't fucking tell me?" I spat at the three hungry boys shoving their mouths with pizza.

"Imea Sowry." Luke apologized through his full mouth, making him spew a piece on Calums jeans.

"Gross mate." Calum cringed at Luke's half chewed piece of pizza, which Michael had picked up and eaten.

"That's disgusting mate." Luke cringed also at Michael who had a chipmunk face due to so much food.

"Well, I'm taking this to my room. You fat asses almost finished the whole thing!" I yelled before taking off into my room. Locking the door before any of the boys could get to it.

What? They had more than half the box, I should at least get to have the rest to myself.






hazel // irwinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora