Staring at the empty space she had once occupied for a short second, Demi turns and wonders into the kitchen seeing her wife stood in front of the sink washing the dishes. Of course Ally hears her enter, and the woman turns her head to send her a bright smile before returning her focus to the sink full of soapy water.

"You okay babe?" Ally questions, setting the plate onto the draining board.

Demi nods, "Yeah, it's just, the tension between those too can be cut like a knife."

"Tell me about it." Ally laughs lightly as she begins wiping down the counter that had a few soap bubbles on it, "I talked to mila about it last night whilst you were putting Lauren to bed, and even though she didn't tell me out right, you can tell Lauren's attitude towards her is starting to affect her."

Demi hums, "You know how we always cuddle on the couch before bed?" She waits for Ally to nod before continuing, "She went to climb onto my lap last night but the second she noticed Lauren looking her way with a glare, she seemed to freeze and wouldn't come near me for hours." She explains, a frown appearing on her face at the memory.

Ally nods her head as she reaches for a towel to dry her hands, "I saw that too. I heard you talking to Lo about how she needs to talk to us before the days over, so let's just hope she does that."

"Yeah, I really don't feel like takin-" before she could even begin to continue, a loud cry coming from the living room fills both their ears. Eyes widening, Demi tosses the towel she'd taken from Ally to help dry the dishes and rushes into the living room.

The woman was hot on her heals, and they were both greeted with the sight of a crying Camila and a smug looking Lauren staring down at her. The youngest of the two spots her first, and when Demi takes her in she see's a large red mark covering the left side of her face.

Eyes widening in horror, the woman hurries over and immediately lifts her up into her arms. From the corner of her eye she hears Ally scolding Lauren, and she also see's her pulling the girl over to the corner with two firm spanks to her padded butt.

"Shh shhh, I've got you baby. I've got you." She coos to the still sobbing girl as her hand comes up to cup the back of her head, easing herself down onto the couch with Camila straddling her lap.

"Mama." Camila cries brokenly as she clings tightly to the mothers shirt. Demi goes to reassure her that she was there and that she had her, but Lauren's voice once again fills her ears.

"She's not your mama, stupid!"

Demi's eyebrows rise in complete and utter surprise, and the second she had stood up and handed Camila over to a shocked looking Ally, she walks over to Lauren and crouches down in front of her.

"You better think carefully before you open up your mouth again young lady." She scolds, and she was glad to see Lauren's mouth quickly snap shut, "That was a mean thing to say, especially after you hurt her purposely. We're Camila's mama's as much as we're yours and it's about time you start accepting that. We have given you plenty of opportunities to talk to us, and I know it's hard to talk sometimes because maybe you're worried about what we'll say but you absolutely do not resort to violence. Especially not to your baby sister."

Lauren at least had the decency to look apologetic.

"Ten minutes Lauren, understand?"

The girl nods, and Demi lets out a small sigh as she rises to her feet and heads over to the couch where Ally was sat with Camila in her lap, an ice pack placed carefully against her face.

"What happened?" She asks softly as she sits herself down next to them. Camila was immediately in her arms, and she gladly welcomes her by wrapping her arms securely around her waist.

Ally sighs as she adjusts herself so she could still hold the ice to the girls face, "Camila asked Lauren to play, and Lauren threw the tv remote at her." She eases the ice pack away slightly, and Demi could see as well as a large red mark that would soon become a bruise, there was also a shallow cut that was slightly dripping with blood

"Oh baby." She murmurs in sympathy as she pulls the young girl close, pressing her lips to her forehead in a gentle kiss.

Camila simply sniffles, and the mothers share a look before Demi stands up with the girl in her arms. It was Camila's nap time, so Demi would take care of that whilst Ally would deal with Lauren.

After grabbing a bottle and warming it up- a recent thing the girl had been having before bedtime and nap time- she heads upstairs and straight through to Camila's room.

"Okay baby, down we go." She kneels down in front of the bed and eases the now quiet girl down onto the mattress, climbing in to the left of her. But Camila doesn't settle like normal, instead, she climbs on top of her and ends up straddling her lap again.

"You want cuddles?" Demi guesses as she grabs the bottle from where she'd placed it on the floor and swipes the nipple of it across her bottom lip as a silent encouragement to latch on.

Camila nods her head as she opens up her mouth, and the woman smiles softly as she begins to suckle eagerly, "Okay baby, that's okay." She soothes.

Downstairs, Lauren's corner time was just about up.

Ally was still sat on the couch, and by time her phone beeps signalling the girl was done with her punishment, she finds herself dreading the talk they were about to have.

But it had to be done. 

"Come here, Laur." She calls out as she stops the timer and sets her phone down onto the coffee table in front of her. The girl slowly turns in place before unsurely making her way over to the woman, and Ally holds out her arms prompting the girl to step close and stand in between her legs.

"I'm sorry." The girl immediately apologises before Ally could even begin to say anything, and although the woman was a little shocked at the sudden unexpected apology, she was quick to snap herself out of it.

"You probably are, yes, but I'm not the one you need to be apologising to." She lightly scolds, and Lauren nods her head knowingly as she looks down, "Why did you throw the remote at mila when all she asked you to do was to play?"

Lauren squirms guiltily as her fingers fumble with a rip in Ally's jeans, "I was...jealous." She admits.

Ally nods, "And both mama and I have told you lots of times and you don't need to be. Have we paid any less attention to you since Mila's been here then we had before?"

Lauren shakes her head, guilt amplifying by a thousand.

"Exactly." Ally states pointedly, "We love both you and Mila equally sweetheart, there's no need to be jealous."

A tear falls down Lauren's cheek, "I'm sorry." She says again, "I'll...I'll tell Camila I'm sorry too."

"Yes, I think that's a good idea. For your actions however, you are grounded for two weeks. No tv and no devices during that time, at all. Do you understand?" Ally brings a hand up to wipe away the tear that had fallen before bringing it back down to rest on Lauren's waist with the other.

Lauren nods her head with a pout, and Ally couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully as she too rises to her feet and leads the girl into the kitchen, "Mama's putting mila down for a nap right now, but as soon as she's awake you can apologise to her."

Demi enters the room before Lauren could reply, the now partially melted ice pack in her grasp, "Yes, that's a good idea. She's gonna have a nice bruise for at least a couple weeks." She opens up the refrigerator and sticks it back inside the freezer part of it before pulling out a new one.

Lauren nods her head, and Demi simply sends her a look and presses a kiss to her head before heading back upstairs. The girl knew mama was still a little mad at her, but she doesn't complain because she knows it wasn't going to last long. It never did. And besides, she does kind of deserve it after what she did.

Whilst she knew mama loved her, she was obviously a little closer to Camila just like she was with mommy, and she was okay with that.

"Wanna help mommy with lunch?"


Wanna wait another two years for a part three? 😂

I hope you enjoyed this long awaited part two my dudes!

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