" I-I don't even...what if he...? Should I- ".

Liam held up a hand to stop my babbling.

" shut your trap for a moment, yeah? ". He started, stopping in his tracks and turning me towards him. " you know Harry better than anyone, you will understand how Harry feels on this. You are forgetting that Harry has a mind of his own with his own thoughts. Just because he can't say them verbally, doesn't mean he is not thinking it. Trust me, it's time".

I gulped harshly but nodded, Liam was right...once again.

We made it home, I left Harry with Niall seeing as the two really get along and usually don't destroy the house.

I hesitated to open the door but Liam nudge me, taking out his phone to record. I took a deep breath and entered the house.

The first person I saw was Niall who was sitting off in the corner of the room with his chest board. He looked up with a blank face, waving hi before going back to what he was doing.

I heard humming and footsteps and knew my boy was coming down the hall.

" Wou! ". He cheered, running towards me to give me a hug.

It didn't last for more than a second but I still enjoyed it.

" Hey hun...". I trailed off, looking back at Liam who gave me a thumbs up.

Harry tilted his head and pointed to Liam.

" pictures? ". He asked, smiling at the camera for a few seconds waiting for the flash to go off for a picture.

I chuckled and shook my head as I got down on one knee. I slowly took the black velvet case out of my pocket.

" Harry, I want you to know that whatever your answer is today...it won't affect how much I love you, okay? ". I asked, grabbing Harry's hand as he looked up at the ceiling.

" yep, love Lou ". He answered, bouncing in his seat as he pulled away from my touch.

" and Lou loves you to...so much that he actually wants to be with you forever ". I started, watching as Harry looked at me and then down at the floor.

" together forever! ". He asked excitedly.

" yeah, since the day I met you...my whole world changed. There isn't any part of my life that I don't see you there. I want to know...if you would like to be with me forever. Would you marry me so we could be together forever?". I asked, closing my eyes as I opened the velvet box revealing the ring inside.

I waited for a response or something but I never got one. I peeked one eye open and seen Harry was looking back at me. His eyes met mine and never left. God, his eyes were beautiful and I could look at them all day but right now they are making me nervous. He blinked a few times before looking down at the ring.

My heart was beating so loud that I was sure everyone could hear it.

" like bell and beast? Marry? ". He asked, his eyes filling up with tears as he sniffled.

I immediately felt guilty and went to shut the whole operation down until Harry launched himself towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug as he kissed me softly on the cheek.

" I be lou's bell! Forever! ". He whispered gently.

I was so shocked that I forgot to hug him back. I pulled away some so I could look at him.

" so, that's a yes? ". I asked, listening to Harry hum.

He mumbled and nodded, wiping away the few tears on his face.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as I pulled the ring out of the box. I placed it on his delicate finger as he began to flap his arms happily.

Good thing I had that ring fitted or it would have went flying off.

He ran over to Niall and shoved his hand in the blondes face.

" I say yes to Lou, I'm gonna be his bell forever!". He exclaimed, running back over to hug me.

He knocked me over, hovering on top of me. His long hair covering both of our faces as he giggled since I was pinned to the floor.

Liam ended the recording and squatted down next me, ruffling my hair with a smile.

" nice job, mate. Proud of ya for taking that next step ".

I was at a loss for words as I grabbed Harry and just hugged him. Even as he pulled away, I just hugged him. To anyone who didn't know us, they would think this was crazy, that Harry didn't know what he was talking about.

But I did.

The beauty and the beast are a tale of two unlikely characters with different stories who met and fell in love.

I couldn't explain my love any better than Harry did.

I was his beast and he was my belle.

And we are gonna live happily ever after...or so I thought.

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