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"You understand what I'm saying, Dike?"

No matter how hard Riley tried to get the attention of the lieutenant, he didn't look at her or give a sign that he would do what she was asking. He stared right through, like she was a female ghost dressed in a uniform that was way too large for her tinning body. The only reason why his eyes were on Riley, was because she had positioned herself right in front of Dike and stood there, waiting until the lieutenant would show any response.

"Dike!," she screamed out, but he wouldn't respond. He just sat there, back against a tree and the maps between his legs. Maps completely covered in marks and circles, all drawn by Riley who really tried her best to earn his respect. She kicked some of the snow that had piled up on her feet away, making her body move to heat it up and make sure it didn't cool down too much.

"He doesn't even want to look at me."

"He'll have to if he wants to survive the attack." Winters gave his warm cup of self-made coffee to Riley, who simply just held it for the warmth of the cup.

"Will you tell him that, please? I'm trying my best, but it's not working out."

"I just don't get it why is ignoring you like that, I'm the one who got mad at him."

"I'm a woman, Nix, and I also have not a lot of experience. Dike doesn't want to follow someone who knows less about war than him," she stated, placing the cup against her trembling lips and pouring some coffee in her mouth.

"Want to or not, he'll have to follow you. We've lost too many men already, I don't want others to die because he couldn't be a leader." Winters asked for the extra maps that Riley carried with her and exited out of the tent. He was going to say the things to Dike, secretly hoping that the lieutenant wouldn't listen to him either and that it wouldn't just be because of Riley being a young woman.

"It looks like Winters is going to get mad at Dike." Riley placed the cup down and took the papers back that were spread out all over the wooden 'table' standing in the tent. She tucked it back in the pockets of her pants and closed her jacket again, pushing out the snow that fallen between her layers of clothing.

"Not mad, he is going to say the same things as you, just without the self-doubt."

"I can't help it, Nix. Just need everyone to be okay and accept the things that I say or ask."

"I know, Riley, I know," he answered, his voice so soft that it truly showed the pity he was feeling towards the girl.

"Let's hope that Dike will listen to Winters," Nixon continued, knowing Riley well enough that she didn't like the conversation to be focused on her.

"It is going to be so dangerous if he doesn't. We've lost so many people: Muck, Penkala, Toye, Guarnere, Smokey, even Buck is gone. The lieutenant can't risk it to lose more of his men."

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