The Unknow World chapter 4: The drunk teacher

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When it was almost time for class to resume they descend the stair leading to the roof and walk through the corridors heading for their classroom.

“You there stop”. Came a voice from behind Aden and Zack.

"You can hand over you phone peacefully or we can take it from you by force”.

Both Aden and Zack turn around to see a guy with curly black hair standing behind them.

“Who is this guy”? Aden asks as he turns toward Zack.

“His name is Sebastian, he's the principals son and Melissa's boyfriend.

“I could just beat him up but since he is the principals son I might get expelled if I do that”.

“Zack wait for me after school so we can walk home together”, Aden says before he takes off running.

“Stop at once you fiend, hand over your phone”, Sebastian yells as he chases after Aden.

Zack heads to class and takes his seat. The school bell rings resuming class. The home room teacher Mr. Lance walks in and starts teaching history.

Mr. Lance was a man in his late 30s. He had short black hair and a thick beard that extended to his chin. His black hair had patches of grey mixed in. Mr. Lance was a heavy drinker. He always had a bottle filled with rum on his person at all times. Although he was only in his late 30s he looked way older than his age. Mr. Lance was a very stylish man however who always dressed in a 2 piece suit.  Today he was wearing a grey suit which was hand make to fit his sizes.
Mr. Lance starts his half drunken lecture.

“Now students history is one of the most important subjects. We need to learn from the past so that we don't make the same mistakes in the future. Today were gonna be having a discussion not like our ordinary class. I want everyone to participate and share their views”.
“Now history tells us of times where plagues caused by witches ran rampant across the lands. It is said that these monsters were hunted and burned alive on a stake or drowned to stop the deaths of many humans”.

“Stories have been pass down from generations about humans who shift into beast under the full moon and monsters who drink the blood of humans to stay alive .Angels,daemons,ghosts, zombies all of these have been mentioned but casted off as mere stories”.

“It is said that every story contains a certain degree of truth to it.  Now class I want to hear your honest opinions. Does anyone here think these stories could actually have some small truth to them”.

Mr. Lance looks around the class and thinks to himself. Aden isn’t here I thought he came to school today. He would definitely be interested. I will have to talk to him some other time.
The class starts muttering, smiles and shrieks appear on their faces.

“Mr. Lance has finally lost it”.
“Maybe he’s been hanging out with Aden”.
“Maybe he took too much to drink this time”.

Little giggles erupt from the entire class. Zack contemplates raising his hands but due to all his classmates remarks he decides to say nothing.

The bell rings and everyone gets up and begins to leave.

“Be careful on the way home and have a good day”, Mr. Lance says with no enthusiasm in his voice.

I still haven’t managed to find any recruits. Maybe I should give up. 

All the students exit the class leaving only Zack and Mr. Lance.

This kids name is Zack, I think. What is he still doing here?

“Mr. Lance I've thought about what you said and I know many people don't believe in the supernatural but I do. There's way too many things in this world that can't be explained by science”.

This kid looks kind of wimpy but he's all I’ve got right now and he's interested.

“I'm glad to see that your an open minded person Zack. What if I told you there's an organization of people who fight to protect humans from all the vile creatures in this world. Would you be interested in joining”?

If I can join this organization I can be a hero like Aden, I can have my own powers, Zack thinks to himself.

“Mr. Lance. How can ordinary humans like us fight against those creatures? They would kill us in a heartbeat”.
“Yeah they would if we were unarmed but the government has developed weapons that grants humans the strength to fight evenly with many of these creatures”.

“Ok I think I get it but why would you tell me”?

I can't tell him its because were short staffed and he's the only one who seems interested.

“Its just a hunch but I believe you have the potential to become a blade”, Mr. Lance says with a straight face.

If he’s too weak we can just wipe his memory and put him back in school, Mr. Lance thinks to himself.

“I want you to see the work that we blades do Zack. Meet me tonight in front of the supermarket at 9. If your up to it. I have to go now see you tonight”. Mr. Lance picks up his books and start walking to the classroom door.

“Wait  am I not suppose to take some oath of secrecy or something. What if I told someone”, Zack says in a timid voice.

“They wouldn’t believe you, so for your own good don’t tell anyone. You might end up in a mental institution”, Mr. Lance says as he waves Zack goodbye while walking out the door.

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