I Will Never Learn My Lesson Because Of Love. So Fuck Love.

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Henny, Caffeine, Green & Nicotine: I Will Never Learn My Lesson Because Of Love. So Fuck Love.

~Arlie P.O.V.~

~A Few Days Later~

I hate school like no other person. I literally only go there just to amuse myself and hang with my friends. Fuck around too but that's not as often as I'd like because finding a good spot is difficult.

I was in Spanish 1 right now and this class was an easy A. All of us, Varo, Lexis, Javier, and I, have this class instead of native spanish. We never had to study and tests we so easy because we all got our spanish game on lock.

"I am so fucking bored." Varo whined as he leaned back against the wall. We had our own corner because why the fuck not. "I'm gonna go to Elia's english class right quick." He got up and raised his hand.

"Yes Varo-"

"It's Papi Varito, but can I go to the bathroom? I downed like a gallon of water because I ate some spicy ass-"

"Go." He was gone out that door faster than I'd ever seen him move.

"He should do track with you, Lexis." I said with a laugh. I'm about ready to take a walk, I need some air and my legs need a good stretch.

"All of us could be. Outrunning cops should be all the training we need. Hurdles for us were chain link fences and brick walls in alleys." Javier said as all his attention was focused on some female across the room.

"That's what I'm sayin', I told coach I get more than enough practice and he said nah." Lexis said.

"I'm goin' for a walk." I said, standing up, grabbing my binder and heading to the door.

"Arlie, where are you goi-"

"Anywhere but here. Send my detention slip to H5, I'll meet it there after school." I said as I walked out. So where should I go?

Heather and Ivette both have gym right now... I could go steal one of 'em and we could ditch for the rest of the day. You know what, I'ma do just that.

They had different teachers and I think I was gonna go with Heather's class because I know Heather knows how to sneak out of class without being noticed. If I'm gonna do this, I need to make sure I do it right.

I jogged to the locker room and changed into a pair of P.E sweats and shirt that I had never used in my locker. I grabbed my binder and looked on the board to see where Heather's class was. It said the weight room so that's where I'm headed.

I got there and slipped into the gym, I blended right into the class. I dapped a couple of guys and of course smirked at the females who were really working a few machines. Then I saw Heather and she caught my stare at her.

"And what machine are you on?" I asked leaning up against the contraption.

"Lat Pull Down." She said with a certain look in her eyes. I liked that look, a lot.

"Shit, I needa be pullin' you down on this dick." She laughed and slapped my arm but she knew she wanted me to do that too.

"Arlie! Watch what you say!" She said mad blushing. "Do you not realize everyone can hear you?!"

"And? Everyone knows we got our thing goin' on- unless everyone knows about your aff-"


"Ohh, no one knows. I see, so we should go to the mall right now." I said smiling at her.

"I'm in gym."

"We, sweetie. But who cares? Let's go." She just looked at me confused. "I'm gonna sneak out the front, and you sneak out the back while everyone is focused on me leaving out the front, aight?"

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