There Is Only One Reason Why I Love Showers...With Ivette

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Henny, Caffeine, Green & Nicotine: There Is Only One Reason Why I Love Showers...With Ivette

~Arlie P.O.V.~

~2 Weeks Later~

It's been a whole two weeks since I've talked to Heather and it's been really great on my end. No bullshit, no drama, and now I can go around doing whatever I want with whichever female I wanted.

School had started and it was the first weekend. I was already suspended for five days because I was high in one of my classes. I didn't know the kid gave me a weed brownie, but fine.

Okay maybe I did know but that's besides the point. I was suspended on Wednesday so I don't go back till next Wednesday. That's what the office said and I'm not about to argue with 'em.

"You're lucky you get to stay home." Aldo said, walking inside, throwing his backpack onto the couch.

"How so?" I asked as my eyes remained glued to the magical box of colorful pictures, that was the TV. I've been at home all day rotting my brain because I had no one to kick it with.

"You just do that all day." It's not as fun as you think you fat fuck.

"It was boring. Where's Gabriel?" I turned off the TV and sat up, rubbing my face with a deep breath.

"It's Friday, his ass is out with friends. I'm about to dip too." He set his phone down on the kitchen table and walked down the hall. I heard the bathroom door close, followed by the sound of the shower starting.

I was already cleaned up from not too long ago so I'll just head out too.

I jogged down to my room, grabbed a beanie and slipped on whatever shoes I grabbed. I pulled the beanie down just over my eyes and adjusted my chains so they weren't tangled, then took my ass on out of the house.

I went down the alley like always and ended up in the next hood. Walking down the street, I saw Javier with his younger sisters walking up the drive way.

"Aye Arls, what's good?" Javier asked as he dapped me. "Go inside and change, then I'll take y'all to the park." He said to his sisters.

"Not much so I'm just goin' around doin' whatever. What about you?" I leaned up against the chain linked fence.

"Gotta take the sisters to the park. Heather asked for you at school today, while we were in math." I rolled my eyes.

"What she say?-"

"She said she wants dick because Joey ain't do her right." Varo said laughing with Lexis as they came walking down the street. "But she really wants Varo. The eyes draw her in." He continued laughing.

"You're fucking stupid, Varo." I said with a shake of my head. "What she really say?"

"She just wants to talk to you." Lexis said. "She hasn't been with Joey because he's back in Juvy for violating his restrictions."

"So now that he gone, she wants me? Fuck her. I'm headin' over to my cousins house anyways. I don't have time to talk to her." I wouldn't even give her the time of day if she asked, she can get gone.

"Tell him we say aye." Varo said. I nodded my head and chucked up the deuces, continuing my way down the street.

I have to say, the best part about being me is the level of freedom I have. I literally do whatever I want, whenever the fuck I want and no one can tell me otherwise because I don't care to hear what they have to say.

I walked by the corner store and rolled my eyes in annoyance at all the little seventh graders who were drinking from the glass coke bottles in brown paper bags. That's so fucking pathetic, if I find out Gabriel does that, I'm beating his ass for that.

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