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Six weeks ago, we were still in our home enjoying our time with my family and friends. Meia ran a fever but she was nothing short of her loving, active, happy, playful self. She continued to get sicker. We took Meia to three doctors visit before we finally just went to the ER. Turns out her blood counts were so low she had to be admitted ASAP. She stayed her happy self but she refused to move or have anyone touch her. The entire month of April went by, and nothing changed. Her symptoms stayed and she was admitted several times during that month with multiple infections.

About a week ago, right after we got home from another hospital admission, Meia complained of pain in her leg. They sent us immediately for a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy.

and so our journey begins...

Meia has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a rare, but one of the most common, childhood cancer. AML is treatable and even curable. We have a plan in place, and we are ready to FIGHT!

We are so blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing family and friends on this planet. We know that Meia is a fighter and the strongest little girl out there, and we know we are going to beat this. Please continue to pray and keep our family in your thoughts at this time.

Love, Leah

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