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( y/n is six, a prototype and has a healing factor but they feel all the pain, plus they don't know how to do any of the other things that Alex and James can including strength, wall running, shields and weapons) (this will be messed up as all hell but probably not as much as thee show)

Y/n pov

Y/ns life was hell, the scientists who worked on them were uncaring that they were only a child. Y/n had to keep reminding themselves what their name was, it was all they had.

Scientist: commence test 237, gentlemen.

Two soldiers in body armor and mask walked in holding long objects connect to their backs.

Scientist: today y/n we are trying something new, flame them 

The two soldiers pointed the guns at the child huddled in the corner.

Y/n screamed as they blasted them with spouts of fire. 

Soldier: burn mother f*cker

Y/ns would have cried but their tears evaporated.

Female scientist: ok that's enough! Your going to kill them 

Soldiers: and what's so bad about that?

By the time they stopped y/ns skin was charred and falling off, their hair was burned away and they still smoked.

But y/n did what they always did, they started to heal. The healing itself was also painful as their body stitched and pulled itself back together.

Scientist: get down their and gather blood and skin samples 

Y/n felt somebody cut into their back as they removed a chunk of skin.

Y/n cried. 

Soldier: should just kill it right now 

Scientist: no we need them, prepare the next test 


Scientist: gentlemen 

The fire continued

After the fires had stopped a female scientist came into y/ns chamber she had a clip board and was writing y/ns results 

Y/n: p....p-p..please help

The scientist looked away and called to the soldiers 

Scientist: hold them down 

They grabbed y/n forcefully and held them. one held their head

Scientist: they want more samples 

She produced a scrape razor and put it next to y/ns eye. She pressed it down in and cut around their eye. Blood ran down y/ns face and onto the floor as she worked 

Y/n screamed bloody murder as she cut out their left eye and placed it on a plater, she also took a strand of y/ns hair 

Y/n was in shock both mentally and physically, the felt the pain as the eye was closed for it to start healing, it would take a day or two for it to grow back. They curled into a ball in the corner 

Lucy pov

Lucy was in the dark, her helmet blocked out almost everything, but she could see the scientist, more importantly she could here them.

They humans had decided not to test on her today science she was moving 

Scientist: so those a*sholds up at blackwatch are taking the  diclonius B*tch?

Scientist 2: yeah, a pitty, this one is a 'beautiful' specimen. Lucy shuttered at the way he said that, she knew what the humans thought about her because their was only a few strips of fabric covering her "midsection " and "privet" areas

Scientist: get her in the straight jacket, and this time keep you hands to yourself.

*small time skip * they loaded Lucy onto a truck and drove for hours but she couldn't tell, their was no time under the mask.

She heard them open the door and felt the constraints she was in Being moved, she felt as the set her down in some sort of chamber.

The soldiers checked it all, but the made one fatal mistake, they didn't check the straight jacket, witch is a shame because they would have found that somehow one of the buckles was undone. Not all the way but just enough.

(Ok this is one of the creepiest things I've written so tell all of your friends about this little story, tell anyone who might be interested, please support it and comment a lot.

Thank y'all for reading please let me know all your feedback and suggestions for the story thanks y'all bye bye 👋)

Was their enough creep for the first chapter or will it need more?

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