Morning After

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*Warning: some non kid friendly scenes* 

Tony Stark: 

You stretched as the sunlight from outside hit your eyes. With your eyes still closed you cuddled up against Tony's bare chest. You felt his chest shake a little as he chuckled at you cuddling up to him. 
"Shh, Tony. I'm trying to enjoy this moment." You said closing your eyes tighter. 
"You look beautiful, you know that?" He said and you peeked an eye open to look up at him. 
You were covered in hickeys and you knew your hair was a tangled mess. 
"You're not just saying this for another round are you?" Making Tony chuckle. 
"No, I'm saying this because I love you." You groaned at his sappy words. 
"Who knew you could be such a romantic."
"Only for you." 

Steve Rogers: 

You woke up to Steve sitting at the edge of your bed, with his chin in a balled fist. You peeled back the blankets and crawled over behind up. 
"What's on your mind." You said placing kisses on the back of his shoulders. 
He jumped at the sudden action. 
"Nothin sweetheart." He said placing a kiss on the top of your forehead. 
"Mhm, alright. Well I'm going into the shower. Wanna join?" You asked getting out of bed with out grabbing anything to cover your nakedness. 
When you threw him a suggestive look, he didn't need to think twice about getting into the shower with you. 

Peter Parker: 

"Wake up sleeping beauty." You heard the familiar voice of Peter wake you up from your slumber. 
You groaned, covering your eyes with your arms, "I don't want you." you whined. 
"It's noon. I think it's time to get up." He said. 
You let out a sigh before sitting up letting the bed sheets fall into your lap. 
You heard Peter gasp before turning away. 
"Really Peter? After last night now you're shy?" You teased him and you could see the blush creeping up his neck making you chuckle. 
"You know... we can stay in bed all day and have some more fun." You whispered leaning over to Peter and placing kisses onto his collar bone. 
You felt his breath hitch a bit before you pulled away. 
"But since it's noon and you think its time to get up." You said pulling away the bed sheets, but you were pulled back when Peter grabbed you by the wrist and you were now under him. 
"I think we can stay in bed for a little longer." 


You awoken to the sound of Loki pacing around your room. He had on a pair of black sweat pants that you had bought him awhile ago and they hung loosely at his hips. 
"Loki what are you doing?" You asked sitting up, the bed sheet falling down showing the array of bruises that were littered across your chest. 
"Look what I've done to you." Loki said looking at the bruises. 
"What about them?" 
"I've hurt you." 
You started laughing, "what's so funny?" Loki asked with his eyebrows furrowed. 
"Loki these aren't bruises from you hurting me. These are bruises from you making love to me. I enjoyed how these got here." You said and Loki came back to the bed. |
"You really mean it?" 
"Yes Loki." 
Loki sighed gabbing onto your hands, "I love you so much."
"And I love you my King." 


You woken up feeling colder than usual and you tried to get closer to Thor, but he wasn't there. You sighed when you heard Thor's voice from outside of your shared room. 
"Loki, I must get back to her. I don't want her thinking that I abandoned  her after last night." 
You heard Loki laugh, "oh trust me brother. She won't be forgetting last night any time soon." 
You blushed hearing his words... you weren't exactly the quietest last night. 
You ignored the rest of the conversation and before you knew it, you felt the bed dip and Thor's strong arms wrap around your. 
"I know you're awake." You heard Thor say and you chuckled. 
"Yeah, I can't sleep when you aren't here." 
"You don't have to worry about that anymore." He said kissing your forehead. 


The familiar scent of Bucky's cologne and the familiar coolness of his metal arm was the first thing you noticed when you woke up. You felt Bucky stir a bit before waking up himself. He always woke up after you.
"Good morning doll." He whispered in your air causing goosebumps to arise. 
"Mornin Buck."You said turning around to face him. 
"How are you feeling?" He asked tracing your bare arm. 
"Sore." Bucky laughed at your answer.
You gasped, then laughed, "good?"
"Yes, it's a reminder of how good I was." He said planting kisses onto your neck. 
"You don't need me to be sore to know how good you are Bucky. Trust me." 


You looked over at Natasha to see her still asleep in all her glory. You decided to get up and make her breakfast. You were almost done making her breakfast when you felt arms go around your waist. 
"It smells good." You heard her say. 
"Thank you." You said turning around she that you could wrap your arms around her. 
You felt her hands slide lower, grasping your ass. 
A blush started to creep its way up your neck, "you didn't get enough last night?" You jokingly asked. 
"I could never get enough of you." She said with a smile on her face. 


You were not happy, not at all . Wanda's brother decided to barge into Wanda's room in the morning. Scaring the both of you and Pietro had seen both of you naked. Instead of running out of the room, he teased the both of you. 
"Oh so that was the noise I heard all last night." He teased making Wanda go red from embarrassment and you red from anger.  
"Get out Pietro!" You yelled. 
Pietro opened his mouth to say something else but Wanda used her magic to kick him out. 
The both of you leaned back into the bed with a sigh. 
"I swear one day I'll kill your brother." You said making Wanda laugh. 
"Get in line." Wanda laughed. 


You were unbelievably sore in the morning. You were surprised that Pietro was still asleep so moving as slowly as you could, you turned around to face him. You admired his features as much as you could before he woke up. Just a second later his eyes fluttered open and a smile stretched across his face upon seeing you. 
"Good morning, princess. How are you feeling?" 
"Just fine." You answered. 
"Really?" He asked with a smirk, and soon you felt his hand on your thigh and he squeeze making you jump from the contact. 
"Are you sure?" He asked making you glare at him. 
"Fine, I'm sore." 
"I know. I could tell from how you were moving this morning."
"Then why'd you ask me?" 
"It gave me an excuse to touch you." He said and you rolled your eyes. 


The smell of breakfast foods filled your senses as you opened your eyes. You saw that T'challa had made you breakfast and brought it to you. Breakfast in bed. 
"This if for me?" You asked as you eyed the food. 
"The best for my queen." He said making you laugh as he placed the food in front of you. 
"Come here." You said patting the space beside you. 
He quickly sat beside you and you looked at him lovingly. 
"I love you." You said pecking his lips. 
"Mm. And I love you too." He said smiling. 

Stephen Strange: 

You woke up to someone tracing patterns onto your skin. You turned around to face Stephen making him stop tracing your skin. 
"Good morning Stephen." You said cuddling closer into Stephen. 
His arms immediately wrapped around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. 
"I want to stay like this all day." You whispered but Stephen heard you.
"There's no reason why we can't." 
"You don't have any important stuff at the temple today?" You asked looking up at him. 
"Trust me, you're more important to me." He said kissing your forehead. 

Peter Quill: 

You groaned when you felt the weight of Peters arms around your waist.
"Good morning love." You heard him say.
"It's still night time." You said. 
"Actually it's not." 
"Don't argue with me, it's night time." You said closing your eyes again. 
You heard Peter sigh and kiss the back of your neck. 
"You're lucky I love you."
"Mm, and you're lucky I love you too." 

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