Chapter 2: Luna Moretti

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Luna stared out the window of what she called home but what didn't feel like home. It was too large for the only eight people that lived there. Her father worked almost around the clock and her mother, while having the best intentions in mind, didn't really intrude in her daughters' lives.

The 15 year old girl looked back at her computer screen. A global open audition for a popular agency in Korea. At first she was skeptical but after digging a bit more, she found that her race/skin color, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc. didn't matter. She listened for a moment catching the squealing of her older sisters down at the pool that they had. She quickly input her information and when she was asked for parental consent, she made her way to her mother, who was sitting at the kitchen island talking on her phone, while the personal chef slaved away making dinner for seven.

"Mom," Luna spoke softly, "Is it okay if I sign up to audition to be a singer in Korea?" The chef looked up from the carrots he was chopping and stared at the youngest of the Moretti girls. They both watched as her mother simply nodded and waved her off, more than likely not even hearing the question. Luna smiled and ran back up to her room and finished up the application.

The day of the audition came and Luna was more than nervous. She sat in her math class staring at the clock. She tapped her pencil on the open page of the text book. The second hand taunted her, seemingly slowing the closer it got to 2:30pm.

"Luna," her table mate whispered. The girl in question glanced beside her to the boy, "I was wondering if you'd like to catch a movie after school..."

Luna rolled her eyes, this boy just couldn't get it through his head that she wasn't interested in him.

"No," she mumbled turning her attention back to the clock, "I have plans already."

"Well, maybe I could go with you?" His voice was almost a whine, "I mean we've never hung out."

"You can't come with me. I'm going to an audition." Luna's voice came out harsher than intended, but he had done everything besides stalking her in order to get her attention, she wouldn't put it past him to do that either.

"Oh, really? What are you auditioning for? The lead role in a play? A movie? A modeling agency?" He'd moved closer to her and she could feel his breath in her neck.

"No," she moved away, "A company in Korea. I want to be a singer." She glanced back up at the clock. Only one more minute until the bell rang and she could leave.

"Korea?" His voice had taken a turn. Luna couldn't tell what emotion it held now. A mixture between anger and disappointment, "You're going to audition for an Asian company?" Ah... Luna thought at the way the word 'Asian' rolled from his tongue, not disappointment or anger... just racism.

The bell rang and Luna jumped up from her chair picking up her books and dashing out of the room before anyone else could even react to the bell. She raced down the hallway and out the front door. She shoved her books into her bag as she sprinted down the sidewalk toward the audition location.

Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok sat at their table. They had seen many candidates and while many of them were talented, none of them had 'it'. What was 'it'? They didn't quite know, but they would when they saw it.

"One last person." Seokjin said as he looked at his paper, "Luna Moretti. 15 years old. Beverly Hills, CA." The group nodded and the door opened. They watched the girl, paler than the moon, walk in and stand nervously in front of them. She was staring down at her feet and she played with her fingers in front of her.

"Alright, Luna." The 18 year old PD, Kim Namjoon, spoke, "Whenever you're ready."

The girl nodded and took a couple deep breaths and breaking into song. She chose to mix two different songs, an interesting choice in the eyes of the judges, a song of Seokjin's and a song of Yoongi's. The four stared at her for a moment before turning into one another.

"She has 'it'," Hoseok spoke under his breath, "she mixed two completely different songs but made them sound like they belonged together."

The other three nodded.

"She made both songs her own while staying true to the feel of each," Yoongi added.

"Her high notes were stable and clear, she didn't seem to have to push for them either," commented Jin.

"Her rapping was a bit slower than the tempo that she set, but that can be worked out," Namjoon pulled out of the group and looked toward the girl who was rubbing her arm nervously, "Can you dance?"

"Uhhh... A little... I'm not very good..." Her voice was shaky. The PD turned back to the group and they continued their discussion.

"Luna," The man with the deep dimples spoke and Luna felt her heart constrict and her chest began to ache with the breath she was holding, "Welcome to NamJin Entertainment."

Luna's eyes went wide and she felt her heart start to beat again, her mouth opened a bit and breath she was holding rushed out of her lungs. She thanked the four of them for their time and as she walked out the door, before it could even close, she screamed with joy.

Luna couldn't stop smiling. She'd been the only one to get accepted to the company. Her. Luna Moretti was going to Korea to be a singer.

"What are you so happy about, Luna?" Her father spoke from the head of the table. It was the first time in a week that they were having dinner as a family. Not that it meant anything. Her five sisters were on their phones texting away with God knows who.

The personal chef made rounds to the table dropping off serving after serving, he gave Luna a slightly bigger piece of cheesecake compared to everyone else in light of the news she had told him this afternoon.

"Well," she took a deep breathe, looking around the table, "I went to an audition today for a entertainment company," there was a clatter from the other side of her, signaling to her that her siblings and mother had put down their phones, "I was one of over 200 people who auditioned... and I was the only one who got in."

"That's fantastic, dear," Her father smiled widely at her, "Where is the agency located?"

Luna took a couple bites of the refreshing lemon cheesecake before mumbling to the dessert.

"Seoul, South Korea."

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