Chapter Twelve

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They headed down the hallway.

"Senior X-Men to the war room!" Logan yelled as they walked.

Remy couldn't help but wonder if the Wolverine did everything in such a loud and boorish manner. If so, it was no wonder that he was still single.

When the X-Men had filed in and taken their seats, Remy explained what he had got Emma to agree to.

"We don't have a telepath any more, so how do we know she's telling the truth?" Logan asked when Remy had finished. "How do we know she's not going to kill the professor or something?"

"What would she gain from that?" Storm asked.

"Maybe she is liking to cause trouble?" Colossus suggested.

"Can't you smell if she's up to something? Kurt asked Logan.

"She's smelled shifty ever since I picked her up. I can't tell if that's her normal scent, or if she's always up to something."

"But she has to know that if she tries anything, Logan will gut her like a fish, right?" Kitty asked.

"I can find out what she's thinking," Rogue finally added. "Even if she has mental shields in place, they won't stop me. Of course, if I hold on long enough to make sure she's not a threat, she'll likely be out for a few hours at least."

"You could absorb her now, then she can sleep it off," Logan suggested.

"Unless she comes up with her plan overnight," Rogue added.

"I think we should trust her," Hank finally added. "Kitty and Storm are both right, and I will be monitoring Charles' vital signs throughout the whole procedure. I believe I will know if she tries anything untoward."

Everyone agreed with Hank, except Remy who, while he agreed, felt that it wasn't his place to vote.

"All right, so who wants to bunk with her tonight?" Logan asked.

After some debate, it was decided that Emma should room with Storm and that her current room mate, Rahne, should bunk with Kitty overnight.

"Great," Logan said without a hint of enthusiasm. "Meet back here at 10 tomorrow morning and we'll begin."

With that decided, the meeting broke up and everyone headed their separate ways. Rogue and Remy returned to the Winebago to find Bobby, Jamie and Ray in there. While half of the gym had been turned into a rec room of sorts, there wasn't exactly much to do there, and breaking in to play Remy's games or watch his TV seemed to have become a pastime in the mansion.

So far, Remy hadn't minded the intrusions but tonight he just wanted some time alone with Rogue. With everything that was going on, not to mention there being kids everywhere, they hadn't had much time together and although she acted normally, Remy had the feeling that Rogue was distancing herself from him. He put it down to new relationship nerves (even though he hadn't encountered any such thing before) and tried not to be too bothered by it. Besides, he could be imagining it, it wasn't like she was actively avoiding him or anything, she just seemed to be spending an awful lot of time with her friends lately. Then again, she hadn't seen then in 4 months, so maybe it was normal.

It could also be stress. It had to be quite a change for her to be back among her friends and then her closest friend, Logan, had gone postal over Remy. She deserved some space, so Remy tried not to crowd her too much.

However, he wasn't used to being surrounded by people all the time and he needed some time, just him (and Rogue) to just unwind. Not to mention that he'd been on guard ever since Logan had returned.

Rescue me (X-Men: Evolution - ROMY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang