Chapter 1

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"Regina! Please you can't do this! How was I supposed to know that I had just brought Robin Hoods old wife back? I didn't know! Please don't do this!" Emma yells as tears run down her face.

"I have to. The only thing your family has brought me is pain! The curse may have not phased you or your family but I figured out what will. I'm going to kill them. One by one. Until your all alone like me. And what better to start with then your true love. What is it? Captain Hook?" Regina says as she holds Hooks heart in her hands.

"It's OK love. I'll be OK." Hooks says softly to Emma as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"No. I can't lose you too Hook. I've lost almost every love in my life. I- I can't lose you too." Emma says as she kisses Hook for the last time.

"Whelp I think that's enough. Too bad. Maybe if you hadn't taken my love away this would've never happened." Regina says as she smirks and crushes Hooks heart. Emma sits there as she sobs over Hooks dead body in her lap. But she hears something unusual. Her name being echoed over and over again. Then she wakes up. Hook sits there in front of her with a candle.

"Are you OK love? You've been shaking all night. What happened? Your father told me to light a candle to see if you'd be better afterward but I guess not." Hook then looks at the candle with an awkward but disappointed face. Only to be surprised as Emma kisses him. He puts on a smirk. "What was that for?"

"Oh nothing. What is it against the law to kiss someone I love." She says as she gets up and walks to the kitchen. Hook sets the candle down and puts it out.

"Well I don't know love. You tell me your the sheriff around here." Hook follows Emma. Emma grabs a water bottle that's been sitting on the counter for a week. She notices it's frozen.

"Hook did you freeze this? You know I put it outside the fridge for a reason." Emma asks Hook as he's putting on his shirt.

"No. Now why would I do that?" Hook says as he walks over to the kitchen and leans on the counter trying to look as sexy as possible. Before Emma could answer someone starts banging on the door.

"Who is it!?" Emma yells.

"Its me Grumpy! Open up we have an emergency!" Grumpy responds. Emma runs to the door. Hook follows.

"What is it what happened? Is anybody hurt?"Emma asks Grumpy.

"We don-" Grumpy stops and examines Hook then, Emma then, Hook again. "When did this happen? Or was he intruding your new apartment? Do I have to beat him up because I will. Where's Henry?"

"Non of your business, no he's not, you cant beat him if you tried, and I let Henry stay with Regina last night. Now tell me what's wrong Grumpy!" Emma says.

"Well sorry. OK so non of us know whats going on. Everything is frozen and its supposed to be the middle of the summer! Every ones freaking out! Granny says there's someone new in town. She's at the dinner. We need you down there asap." Grumpy explains to Emma.

"I'll be right over." Emma says as she shuts the door. She gives one last kiss to Hook. "Go down to the dinner. I'll meet you there. I love you."

"Can't I just stay here with you?" Hook pulls Emma close. Emma smiles and laughs a little bit. Hook smirks. "They don't need me down there."

"Fine. Wait for me here then, while I change OK?"Emma says.


"No buts. Stay here. As much as I love being with you I need some alone time too." She smiles and kisses him on the cheek and starts walking away.

"As you wish love." Emma walks away smiling.

Emma quickly hops in the shower. But she starts to think about last nights dream. How horrible it was. She hopes it doesn't happen. But she knows there is a big chance it might. After bring back Marium (Robin Hoods former wife) through the time warp Regina has looked at Emma with this look of hate and anger. She can't help but fear the worst.

"Swan! You've been in there forever. Hurry up or I'm coming in!" Hook yells to Emma.

"OK OK! I'm coming!"

Emma then tells Hook to wait for him at the door. Emma puts on her favorite skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, her favorite red leather jacket and her sheriffs badge. She then runs out the room. Emma grabs Hooks hand and they start walking to the dinner. As soon as they step outside they are shocked. The whole town is covered in snow. They arrive at the dinner and see nearly half the town trying to question the women they found.

"Everyone step back!" Emma yells.

"Emma you are here!" Mary-Margaret runs and gives Emma a hug. "She just showed up her this morning."

"Yeah I heard." Emma says. She walks over to the woman. "Hey my names Emma. I'm the sheriff here in Storybrooke. Would you mind telling me your name?"

"My names Elsa. I I need to get back to Arendale. My sister she needs me. She is getting married and and-" Elsa is interrupted by Emma.

"OK slow down there. Arendale? Where is that?"

"I I don't know from here. But I need to get back to my sister." Elsa says. Granny tries to give her a hot chocolate. "Get that away from me!"

Everyone stands in shock. Elsa had just froze the cup of hot chocolate. Everyone started whispering and exchanging looks. Looks of fear and confusion. Emma quickly glances at Hook then at Regina. Emma was not worried about Elsa. Emma has been pretty much exposed to everything. What she was worried about was Regina always staring at Hook with the look of death. Hook never noticed. But Emma did.

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