Chapter 19 - Rage and Planning

Start from the beginning

"Has he told anyone else?"

"He hasn't even told his wife anything yet, or at least since we planted the bugs," Malone answered. "I bet talking to this reporter was going to be his big reveal."

Dominick set his jaw. This had spiraled out of control. He didn't want to kill Gruden. He didn't want to kill anyone else. But there was no other way.

"Do it," Dominick said in a quiet voice, his eyes boring into Malone's.

"Yes, sir," Malone said, looking away. "He'll be dead within the hour."

"We still need to deal with the Devor kid's girlfriend, or whoever she is," Dominick continued. "Rick, you keep an eye on the hospital. If she knows the Devor kid, she'll be back. She's not going to just let him there to die. If you need extra eyes, I've got a few more men who will keep their mouths shut."

"But I'm the only one who knows what she looks like," Malone said.

Dominick scowled. "Then use your brains. Give the other men cameras or something. You can monitor the footage. If you cover all the entrances and exits, she's bound to show up."

Malone nodded. "And then follow her and kill her?"

Dominick shook his head. Malone said the words too easily, as if taking a life was a trivial matter. Killing Gruden was a necessity, but killing the girl wasn't. Yet. And it had always been harder with the young women. They reminded him too much of his own daughter.

"No. I need to learn what the Devor kid told her, and if she knows if anybody else spread any news. Maybe she even knows about this Sapphire Angel woman. So don't kill her. Grab her and take her to the farm. Hell, maybe she'll fit the profile we need."

Malone nodded, but said nothing.

"Steve, your job is similar, but with the kid's parents. We have their address. You need to grab them. I wanted to avoid snatching them, since it could raise suspicions. But it looks like we don't have a choice. Can you handle two old people yourself? I'd rather not bring more men into the loop if we can avoid it."

Steve nodded. "I can handle it."

"I need to come up with a plan for Sapphire Angel. She has a knack for showing up where she's not wanted, so we need to be ready for her." Dominick said. "When she was kicking your asses, did she say anything? Did she give any clue why she was there? Why she gives a shit about what we're doing?"

Both men shook their heads, but said nothing. Dominick gritted his teeth. It was just his luck that some hero straight out of a movie would interfere in his plans. He needed to figure out a way to stop her.

"Let me chew on our superheroine problem. You get started on the girlfriend and the parents," he said, motioning to the door with a wave.

Both men stood and left Dominick's office. He sat back, considering how to handle Sapphire Angel. If he thought he would get time to ponder the situation, though, he was wrong. He saw the silver-eyed man making his way down the hall. The Fizzure CEO swallowed.

His fear of the robed man was irrational and involved more than just a fear of losing funding. There was something else about him that worried the large black man. Dominick couldn't put his finger on it.

The man glided into his room as if Dominick had invited him, his black robe flowing about him, and made his way to the chair across the desk from. He sat.

"Hello," the robed man said with a nod and a slight smile. His voice was gentle and quiet, yet somehow filled the room. Dominick shivered, only meeting the man's eyes for a moment.

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