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It had been a couple of days since you got fired out of the hospital. You mainly spend the days at home, because on the street you often got shouted at, and you still weren't used to it.

You had caught up with your mom. Who had been very distressed when you told her everything. She was glad you were alright now but still made you visit her more often in case something else went wrong.

School started today again. Gou forgave you quickly after you promised she could touch your biceps. The rest of your class luckily just ignored you, which wasn't very different than usual. You ate lunch with the guys on the rooftop and after school the six of you made your way to the swim club.

Just when you got out of the changing room you noticed no one was there anymore. So you just walked out of the building. You barely made it two steps before something climbed onto you, making you fall over with a loud shriek.

"(y/n)! Show us your tail!"

"I'm not afraid of mermaids anymore!"

"Can we please swim with you?!"

You looked up and was met with the seafoam and the caramel eyes of the Tachibana twins. They were sitting on top of you and you couldn't stand up.

"Ran! Ren! Get off (y/n)!" A stressed out Makoto pulled them off you, mumbling multiple apologies before helping you up.

"Sorry! They wanted to see you swim, but then everyone heard about it and it kinda got out of hand..." He said guiltily.

You looked up. You saw your teammates, Nagisa, Rei and Haru, but you also saw a lot of other people. Gou, Rin, Nitori, Momo, Sousuke, Miss Amakate and Couch Sasabe were all there, in swimsuits (except for Miss Amakate).

You facepalmed. "Mako..." You whined before they noticed you. They all came running towards you.

"Can I swim with you first?"

"Can I go second?"

"What color is your tail?"

You giggled nervously and Makoto pushed everyone away, telling them to give you some space.

You suddenly felt very proud of your tail. Maybe all these compliments made you realized how lucky you actually were. You were part of these two totally different but amazing worlds, and you had to maneuver your way around it. But maybe that was not something bad.

You smiled to yourself and an idea popped in your head. You suddenly bolted forward, pushing through the crowd, not caring about their protests.

You bounced off the edge and somersaulted in the water, midway in the air changing to your tail. You dove in beautifully and swam a couple of circles before resurfacing. Everyone was looking at you with their mouths open. You giggled and motioned for them to follow you. "Get in! The water is amazing!"

They didn't hesitate and all jumped in, creating a huge wave. They splashed their way to you and you proudly presented your tail. You noticed Haru was still standing on the edge so you made your way over to him. Without waiting for him to say something you grabbed his hands and pulled him underwater.

You giggled at his angry face and splashed some water his way.

You stayed at the pool a lot longer than usual, just having fun with everyone. You swam with everyone multiple times. Taught Ran how to swim like a mermaid. Had breath-holding competitions with Ren, Rin, Nagisa, Momo and couch Sasabe (You let Ren win) and had a race with Rin, who was confident he was gonna win from you, which he didn't.

When the sun started setting and the water got cold everyone got out. Slowly everyone started leaving and saying their goodbye's. Eventually, it was only you, Nagisa, Rei, Haru, Makoto and, Ren and Ran. Ran had climbed on top of you and was now sitting on your shoulders, playing with your hair. Ren was sitting on Haru's lap peacefully.

You felt happy. Really happy. You had the best group of friends anyone could ever wish for, and you wouldn't exchange it for the world.

You were you. Yeah, you were different, but that was okay. It made you special.

You chuckled to yourself. I sound like my dad, you thought.

Ran looked down. "Why are you laughing?"

You shrugged, which was hard with a toddler on your shoulders. "I'm just really happy."


You looked up at her before looking at the guys, who were all smiling knowingly at you. You smiled at them and grabbed her hands, taking her off your shoulders and on your lap.

"Say, Ran. Don't we still have our wedding to plan?"


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