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You kept walking, fighting against the cold taking over your body. You had to walk for about 20 minutes before you were on the other end of the island. You looked out over the cliff. If you fell down you most likely wouldn't die, but you would still break a couple of bones. You shuddered and took a couple of steps back again.

You were seriously starting to lose hope. You've been roaming around for more than an hour now and still had not found any of the guys, or even another human being.

Just when you were about to burst into tears, you noticed a small building hiding behind one of the hills. You smiled to yourself and hurried over. It seemed to be a watchtower, but it was no longer in use. But you didn't care, as long as you were out of this godforsaken rain.

You opened the door and walked in. It was pitch black around and you had to use your hands to feel where you were. Your clumsiness caused a lot of noise because you were literally knocking over every object you came across.

You drew in a sharp breath when you suddenly heard shuffling around you. Your clogged brain immediately thought it must be ghosts, so you reached for an umbrella and gripped it steadily in your hands.

Suddenly a bright light was shined in your eyes. You screeched in terror and swung the umbrella blindly at whatever was the cause of light.

You heard a scream closely followed by a soft thud. "(y/n)! It's us!"

You recognized that voice. You squinted your eyes and suddenly noticed Makoto, Haru, and Rei looking at you worriedly. Nagisa was on the ground, also looking up at you.

You quickly dropped the umbrella, locking eyes with Rei. You didn't hesitate with throwing your arms around him, squeezing him tightly. "Rei! You big idiot! You scared me to death!"

He seemed to freeze up before chuckling and hugging you back. "I am very sorry, (y/n). I won't ever do it again."

You pulled back but kept your arms on his shoulders. "Promise?"

He grinned and nodded. "Promise."

"Hey, love birds! We're here too!" Nagisa whined, throwing his arms in the air to make his presence more clear.

You giggled and let go of Rei, looking at the others. "I'm glad to see you guys too." You smiled.

They smiled back, except for Makoto, who was looking at you worriedly. You turned your head sideways and were about to ask him about it, but Nagisa jumped in, pushing you to the next room. "Come on! The water is boiling, you're freezing cold!"

You giggled and let yourself get dragged away. Soon after you were given a cup of steaming water and some canned pineapple. It wasn't a five-star meal, but at least it warmed you up.

You chattered with the rest of the guys. Rei got mad when he realized that you were the only one who hugged him, while the rest of the guys only got mad at him. You noticed Makoto often kept silent, and you were growing worried about him.

"Man. This reminds me of one of those bottle episodes you see on TV shows- OOH! I know something we can do to cure our boredom!" Nagisa, as usual with way too much energy, jumped up from his chair.

"We can play that game we used to play when we were children! With the cube!" He yelled enthusiastically.

You and Rei raised an eyebrow. "What game?"

"When the cube lands on your name, you have to answer the question I give you!"

You giggled. "Sure, sounds like fun."

Nagisa grabbed a cardboard box and wrote your names on it (using Rei's name twice) and threw it around. After Rei had told an embarrassing story about his underwear and Haru told how he got boned by a waterfall, the cube landed on Makoto.

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