Rei smiled at him and took off his shirt as well. Nagisa apparently took that as the sign to leave and ran in the sea, followed by a panicked Rei.

You giggled at them and looked sideways. Your smiled disappeared once you saw that Makoto was hesitating. You wanted to ask what was wrong but Haru's icy stare stopped you. Once Makoto noticed the two of you staring at him he smiled innocently. "What are you guys waiting for?" Without waiting for an answer he walked towards the sea. You and Haru followed quietly.

You had quickly caught up with Nagisa and Rei. Rei still had to use a kickboard and was noticeably slower than the rest of you, but the rest of you made sure he wasn't left behind.

Once you came across the first island and had to start running you became aware of the fact how much you hated running. You were extremely slow and were constantly out of breath. Of course, everyone was waiting for you and you constantly had to mumble your thank you's.

The five of you had just finished running the second island and dove in the ocean again. You noticed how dark the water was and an idea popped into your head. There was no way anyone would see a mermaid's tail in this water. You looked around you, Haru was left from you while Nagisa, Makoto, and Rei were on your right side.

You grinned mischievously to yourself and dove underwater. You made sure you were deep enough before you changed your legs to a tail. As a mermaid, you could see clearly underwater and you chuckled at seeing their legs stop swimming when they realized you weren't coming up. You didn't want to spook them too much so you popped up again after a couple of seconds.

"What on earth were you doing underwater for so long?" Rei asked, waddling closer to you.

You giggled and shrugged. "I love being in the ocean!" You splashed some water around, making the others laugh a bit. You chuckled and dove underwater again, using your tail to get as far as you could.

You were about to go up again when you realized Nagisa was also under the water, looking around for you. Normally he wouldn't have seen a thing, but he put his goggles on, so he could see a lot clearer. You panicked and quickly turned back to your legs. You resurfaced and turned around, waiting for Nagisa's reaction. Once he came up again he looked surprised, scaring you more.

"(y/n! How did you get so far?" He yelled once he saw you. Only now you noticed you were almost 25 meters away from the rest. You giggled nervously and scratched your neck. "I-I was going as fast as I can." You stuttered while the rest caught up to you.

You didn't dare use your tail again and finished the rest of the course normally.


"The tents can only hold two people, so one group is going to have to squeeze."

Makoto was pointing to the tents, who were both the exact same size. "Who is going to sleep with who?" Rei asked.

You and Haru shrugged simultaneously. "I don't care as long as I can sleep."

"I wanna sleep with Haru!" Nagisa exclaimed, raising his arm in the air.

"Why?" Rei asked, sounding slightly offended.

Nagisa shrugged. "The rest of you look like you snore." He said innocently.

"I suppose you don't?!" Rei yelled.

You had been listening to their debate and clapped your hands together. "Me, Rei and Makoto will share a tent and Nagisa and Haru share one!" You shouted like you were a genius.

They kept silent for a while before everyone nodded. "Sounds fine."

And so the three of you had to find a way so everyone was comfortable. Rei was on the left side, Makoto was in the middle and you were on the end. You noticed quickly there was no way to lay down without touching Makoto in some way, so you gave up on trying. The two of you ended up almost spooning. Your legs were touching, nearly tangling together, but your upper bodies weren't. Although if one of moved even a millimeter closer, they were.

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