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It had only been a few months since Tatum had lost her parents but it wasn't a surprise. You'd loose everyone you love in the apocalypse. She'd decided to stay for the others and not for herself. She wanted to leave to get rid of the trauma and memories, remembering the day she first arrived and her family's last. Although her family were assholes, all of them. She swore she wouldn't be like them. She'd grown up around everyone in Alexandria and they'd accepted her as their new family. Her and Carl had been best friends since he first arrived and she was friends with most of the community. They had their ups and downs but she always forgave them. She had her bad days, sometimes they were extremely bad but the community understood and left her to do her own thing. She worked night shifts on the gate guarding it. She preferred the night time. It was soothing and calm. The stars shone bright and everyone else was asleep. She made sure no one escaped or came in.

Pre z

Tatum Anderson daughter of Jessie and Pete Anderson, older sister to Ron and Sam grew up just inside of Virginia rift beside where Alexandria was built. Not too many years before the apocalypse it was built in fear that something big was about to happen, they didn't know what but they knew something bad. Tatum and her family reserved a house in one of the many streets inside of the high metal walls. As soon as the apocalypse hit they knew that was the bad thing the community knew would happen. They made their way to Alexandria only seeing a few of the dead on their way but luckily other fleeing families aught their eyes first. Once at Alexandria they started to settle down, at first everyone was cautious but after a while the community grew bigger and stronger. Tatum became very close with everyone in the community like they were a new family to her. Sadly Pete her dad was abusive towards her mom, this caused her and her brothers to have paranoia and ptsd. When Alexandria got overran Tatum was the last Anderson left. Sam her youngest and stupidest brother caused attention, which then caused him to get eaten. Jessie their mom then got eaten from all the screaming, I mean watching her son being eaten alive right in front of her that's a thing to scream about. Ron killed by michonne stabbed by her katana well that was his problem for shooting trying to shoot Rick. Being stabbed caused him to fire them gun which then hit Carl in the eye. Tatum stayed silent all the way through although inside she was screaming. She followed everyone into a house as other members of the community fought off the dead.
Tatum left a few months later even though the community started to regain everything. She couldn't walk on the same pavement her whole family died on everyday as if she was perfectly fine. She learnt not to be as stupid as them, not to be like any of them. She hated their actions but she missed them dearly. Sometimes she goes back and visits the people of Alexandria but she tends to stay away due to all their wars and deaths. She doesn't want to see her once loved ones die again. Now that most of her friends were gone she tends to stay alone and travel light just trying to survive.

flashback 2

Just over a month had passed and the community planned to have a party in the giant hall beside the church and houses to celebrate how far they've came. There were balloons and banners everywhere, loud music and strobe lights. There was a mini dance floor for the kids and big one for all the adults. There was a bar and snacks all around the room and it looked super welcoming. There was boxes and men standing at the doors with metal detectors to make sure no one had any weapons because they were scared they'd be fights. Tatum wasn't much of a girly girl so she wore a yellow shirt under a pant overalls. She tied her hair back slightly behind her head and did the most basic makeup. She was one of the first to be searched and go inside. She didn't talk to anyone just kinda stood in the corner holding a glass of wine awkwardly waiting for a good song to play or for someone to talk to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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