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At some point during the first week of December, Sy attached a clearly alien device in an unobtrusive part of the landing pad; since then, he spent most of his time at home on the landing pad: eating there, doing his homework there, and even sleeping there as he waited for his ship.

Near the end of the second week of December, a large ship uncloaked as it landed on the landing pad. The Avengers all came running out while Sy just calmly strode toward the release hatch. "Why didn't FRIDAY alert us of an incoming ship? Or our satellites pick up the ship?" Tony asked, incredulous.

Sy looked back at them with a smirk, "This is alien cloaking technology; it could hover directly in front of one of your sensors undetected." He turned back to the ship and opened the cargo bay, ignoring Tony's indignant scoff.

With telekinesis, Sy carried out several items until the cargo hold was empty. Among the items were: a glass case holding a black and purple sphere with white crystals growing out of it; a large, seamless box with intricate patterning on it; a clear case containing a short silver pipe (which Sy grinned upon seeing); and a locked container suspended in a motion dampening frame.

Steve crossed his arms and looked at the ship with distrust, "Wasn't it supposed to arrive on the tenth? Any idea why it's late?"

Sy shrugged, "I'm actually surprised they were this accurate about the arrival date."

"Why's that?"

While he was speaking, Sy fiddled with a panel just inside the cargo bay, "This is a prototype ship; and a cargo ship. The trip used to take a year—and still does for passenger ships—but this new cargo ship halved the time. They couldn't be exactly certain how long it would take, so saying 'December 10th' was a shot in the dark." He worked on the screen for a few more seconds then pressed a large button and stepped away from the ship, letting it take off.

"Wait, that's it?" Tony asked, "We don't get to study this thing?"

Sy lifted his chin and smiled slightly, "Nope." He carried the items into the building and floated them to the elevator, taking up most of the space inside it. "I'm going to take these to my lab; tomorrow's Friday, so I will be starting the process the day after." He pointed at Tony, "No snooping. These are valuable resources and I can't afford lose any of them, you understand."

"Yep, sure."

Sy narrowed his eyes, "Tony . . ."

"Scout's honor," Tony lifted one hand. "I won't. Touch. Anything," he smiled.

"Are you going to be done by Christmas?" Peter asked.

"Maybe. It might take longer. I'm going to go to bed as soon as I get home tomorrow, so I guess I'll see you guys Christmas." He hugged Natasha and Bruce and reentered the elevator. "Good night, everyone!"

As the elevator doors closed, Steve turned to Tony, "I hope you were serious about not touching his stuff."

Glaring, Tony shot back, "Of course I was serious. What am I: a liar? As much as it pains me to hold back, you heard how serious he was when he talked about 'the traditions passed down for generations' and 'I have to do it myself.' I'll respect the kid's history and culture."

Steve looked Tony strangely, "A year ago, you would have had FRIDAY spy on the kid while he worked."

"Oh I'm still going to have FRI do that." Peter glared and Tony skirted around him, "Kidding! Kidding."


Saturday, Sy woke up early and took a long drought from his water crystal and sustenance cube before addressing FRIDAY, "FRIDAY, please activate LaLaLaLaLa Protocol." Tony has got to stop with these ridiculous protocol names.

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