
21 0 0

This chapter didn't end exactly how I wanted it to but oh well

Hope you enjoy!


11 didn't remember the last time he felt so relaxed and calm waking up. As he shifted, he felt a blanket he didn't remember getting move around his shoulders. Someone must have given it to me during the movies. He froze when he realized he was still on the sofa and his head was resting in someone's lap. He blinked open his eyes and found the Black Widow—thankfully still asleep—with her head on Dr. Banner's shoulder. Carefully, trying not to disturb them, 11 extricated himself from the blanket and stood up, stretching his stiff muscles. Looking around, he headed through a hallway until he deemed he was a safe distance away and addressed FRIDAY quietly: "FRIDAY, where is my duffel bag?"

"Your bag is in your room."

"My room? I have a room? Why do I have a room?"

"Yes, you do. You have a room because the Avengers have discussed recruiting you to the team and wanted to be prepared in case you said 'yes.'"

11 was stunned; they wanted him on the team? A team that had saved the world more than once? Sure, he had saved the world with his team, but they were on another planet now.

FRIDAY interrupted his thoughts "I could take you there, if you like."

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Sure."



Natasha blinked awake and looked down to check on 11, only to find he wasn't there. She felt his spot on the sofa and found it warm, so he must have left recently. Finding Bruce still asleep, she whispered, "FRIDAY, where's 11?"

FRIDAY responded likewise in a whisper, "He asked after his duffel bag so I am currently leading him to his room. You should know, he asked why he had a room, and I told him about the prospective recruitment."

Natasha nodded, knowing FRIDAY could see, "Ok, I'll bring it up at dinner, give him some time to think about it. Could you get Steve and Peter over here to start on breakfast?"

"Of course, Ms. Romanov." FRIDAY paused. "They are on their way, although, Peter had some choice words for being woken up this early."

"Tell him, 'Language,'" Natasha snickered and got up.

Steve and Peter trod into the kitchen as she was making coffee and mumbled their good mornings. Making their way around the kitchen, the two cooks on the team began preparing a breakfast worthy of several super soldiers. 11 walked in stiffly about half-way through the process and coughed once to make his presence known, "Um, is there anything I can help with?" "Can you cook?" Steve asked. 11 nodded. Steve shrugged and ordered, "Well, get the scones out of the oven and dust them with powdered sugar, then help Peter with the eggs." Natasha watched 11 open the oven and reach in to grab the tray when she noticed he wasn't wearing oven mitts. "11!"

He pulled out the tray with seemingly no pain and looked at her in confusion: "What? Is something wrong?"

Steve said slowly, "Son, how is your hand not burning?"

11 looked at the hand holding the tray then back at the Avengers, and burst out laughing. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I should have told you. I'm immune to heat. This can't hurt me."

Peter looked amazed, and reached out like he wanted to confirm that, yes, 11's hand wasn't burning. Natasha was slightly exasperated. "You have to tell us these things; you can't just go around giving Avengers random heart attacks. It's not healthy." 11 at least had the decency to look sheepish and nodded before continuing helping make breakfast. "But, how does it work?" Peter asked curiously.

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