Fourth Day

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"Mm. Mmmm. Blue, stop licking me. I'm up. I'm up! Geez, I'm up." Sy swatted at Blue and missed as she jumped off his bed. "Why did you have to wake me up?" He looked at the clock. "My alarm will literally go off in one minute. Why couldn't you let me have one more minute of rest, you pest?" Blue jumped back onto the bed and restarted licking his cheek. Don't give in. Don't give in. Don't give in . . . *sigh*. "Fine, you're not a pest. Yes, I know you love me. Good morning to you too. Where's Reon? Then why aren't you patrolling with him? Seriously? Just to wake me up? You're lucky you're so beautiful; now, get off my bed. I have to get ready for school. Now I can be a whole minute early, thank you very much."

Sy threw on a black tee, blue hoodie, and jeans along with white tennis shoes before heading down a floor for breakfast. Bucky seemed to be the only one awake and he was drinking a cup of coffee while reading a newspaper. "You know, you can read any newspaper you want online, right?"

Bucky simply shrugged, "I prefer paper still. Happy had to go with Pepper to a meeting in L.A. so I'll be taking you and Pete to school."

"Cool. Where is Peter? Shouldn't he be down already for breakfast?" Bucky shrugged again. "FRIDAY?"

"Mini Boss is currently contemplating suicide and has threatened whoever invented mornings with death." Sy snorted. "Tell him to get down here or I'll make everything he wears puke green for three days."

One minute later Peter ran out of the elevator disheveled but dressed. "I hate you so much."

"Eat your fruit. Growing baby spiders need nutrients."

"I will literally throw you out the window if you keep talking."

"I'll just . . . fly away."

"Not if I knock you unconscious first."

"Don't, you'll break your fist."

"Yeah, because you have a brick for a head."

"Peter, Sy, eat your breakfast. It's too early for fighting."

They both looked at Bucky with incredulous expressions. "Who's fighting?" Peter asked.

Bucky swatted Peter with the rolled-up newspaper, "Eat! You don't want to be late."

Peter gasped dramatically, "He tried to kill me! Sy, tell me you saw that, he used a newspaper on me. Me! A spider! He tried to kill me!"

Sy snorted and continued eating.

"Oh wow, I see how it is. Not even going to try to protect me?"

Sy looked dead serious as he replied, "I would die to protect you."

" . . . Wow ok, no need to get serious. But, thanks."

"You're welcome, baby bro."



They arrived at school ten minutes early because Bucky was a terrifying driver. "Are you going to pick us up?" Sy asked, with slight trepidation.

"Yep. I'll see you guys later!" Peter and Sy waved forlornly and walked into school to join Ned and Harry at their lockers.

"Where are Betty and MJ? They suddenly realize they're too good for you two and ditch?"

Harry shoved Sy, "You wish. And no, thankfully they haven't. MJ recruited Betty's help to find the absolute hardest questions for decathlon practice tomorrow. Honestly, it's still week one! Wait, you are going to be there, right?"

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