"Bakugou if you go now you'll be putting her in more danger did you not learn anything today!" Aizawa snapped at the boy who turned to the tired-looking man. "But..." he shut up remembering what you whispered, 'trust me' and 'I'll see you soon' taking a deep breath he turned to the class as they were trying to get Leo and Sato from under the bus as it had been dropped on them when they collapsed.

He knew if he didn't help your brother out then you would be pissed at him even more. Momo created a massive car jack that they placed under and as the bus was lifted, Midoryia, Katsuki, Shoto, Shoji, Ojiro and Kirishima pulled the boys out. Instantly Momo started to wrap their wounds which luckily weren't too serious.

Aizawa was on the phone to the school before coming off "Right we're going to do this as a class. Training, however, Bakugou and Todoroki you can come but you aren't permitted to use your quirks since you didn't pass but I know you want to be there." he turned to the rest of the class. "We don't know what type of traps he may have set up and we also don't know if it's just him or the league are there. If I sense it going south, we fall back and wait for reinforcements understood?" the teacher turns to the students who he is extremely proud of even the boys that failed.

"Yes sir" the students called as they all stood together "Right Jiro, Shoji, Koda you need to be our scouts. Yaoyorozu you have the tracking device as well. The rest of you will be a defence against anything that may attack us. When we get closer to where ever it is that he has taken her Hagakure when we get to close to where the tracking is taking us we need you to go ahead and scout." he turned to the students.

"Leo and Sato stay here. I know it's your sister Leo but you're injured. Tokoyami, Aoyama, Mineta, Ojiro and Asui stay with them just in case this is an ambush. Yaoyorozu can you make communication device?" the teacher looked at the girl with the ponytail "Yes sir!" she commented before creating devices and passing one to all the student. "Leo back up is on the way and I promise your sister will be coming home with us or when back up gets here."

'I guess this is what it takes to be a pro' Katsuki thinks as he listens to the older man making plans with the class. 'I need to confront my demons with fucking Deku when this over and showing him, I can beat him. I want to know why the fuck All Might has all this faith in him I'm not good enough. I couldn't stop her from being fucking taken' he snapped out of it by someone saying his name.

"Bakugou you with us. As soon as you see (l/n) take her and retreat." Aizawa commanded the boy as he had a sulky look on his face thinking about he wanted to fight. "Use your quirks to defend yourselves not for anything more those who passed your exam. Also, we want Hoshi alive we need to prove we're heroes not villains." Aizawa looked at the boy with ash blonde hair who held a fire in his red eyes. "He won't have hurt her! Remember to this boy he loves her and wants to be with her. You will be the main targets especially you Bakugou as soon as you can you need to retreat with (l/n) do you understand." the man barked the order at Katsuki who nodded with attitude, but he knew the man was right.

All he could think about was getting you away from the psycho who couldn't take no for an answer. 'Why the hell does that stupid cat want to save him after the things he has done to her to us.' he zoned out not listening to the other orders given to the rest of the class when he felt someone place a hand on his shoulder. "Bakugou please bring my sister back" Leo pleaded with the boy who just glared at him not being able to look at the purple and gold eyes.

"Of course, I fucking will" he snapped walking off as your brother stood there in shock from you being taken from under his feet again as he doubts whether he should even call himself a wannabe hero. After the plan was set back up was only about ten minutes away but they had already left it long enough since at least an hour and a half had passed. Looking at the tracker though you had stopped only about half an hour away which meant at this moment he could be doing anything to you. 'What if controls her again or cuts her and we're just fucking standing here planning.' the boy was pacing as his friends watched.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now