Chapter 6

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*Y/N P.O.V*

The day felt pretty slow from then on, most of it was just me waiting around for Dante. Eventually he finished on set and offered to walk back to the hotel with me. The walk back was pretty quiet and boring but I just think it was from Dante being so tried from running around all over set all morning. We got into the hotel and began heading back to our rooms. I stopped realising that I had no idea what floor Dante was staying on, let alone his room number. "Wait! Dante what room are you in?" I asked practically yelling across the reception. "I'll text it to you," he replied.
"I don't have your number," I called back.
"Right," he sighed. We walked back over to each other and he typed my number into his phone before going off in our separate ways.

I got into my room and flopped onto my bed. I was so excited I didn't know what to do, was I supposed to dress up or down? Should I bring any food? I think I was just overthinking it all. I decided I was just fine the way I was and lay on my bed watching Netflix patiently waiting for Dante text.


floor 4 room 485

In excitement, I hurried out the door and got into the elevator and went a floor up to Dantes room. I knocked on his door and he let me in, "Hey Y/N" come on in he smiled. To my surprise everyone was already here. "Sorry for the late text, take a seat." I took a seat at the foot of the bed next to Eden who Id previously met on set. "Everyone this is Y/N, Y/N this is Eden, Blake, Ethan, Cameron and TJ," he said sitting down beside me. I looked around at to my surprise there was no Aidan, I assumed he just got stuck on set or something and made myself at home. "So what do you guys wanna watch?" Tj asked.
"Hmm, Stranger Things?" Ethan responded. We all cheered except from Dante. I grabbed the remote and tried to figure how to turn on the tv. Dante came and sat next to me snatching the remote away from me and turning the tv on. "Honestly, Stranger Things is boring." Dante complained.  Everyone gasped. "Are you kidding?" Blake asked.
"Can you at least try watching it Dante? For me?" I smiled over dramatically. 
"Finee," Dante groaned as everyone got cozy on the bed ready to start watching. Dante day close next to me and flinched every time he got scared, I knew the reason he did like the show wasn't because it was boring. After a while It began to get pretty cold, I knew I'd forgotten something. I was in such a rush to get here I forgot my hoodie. I sat shivering until Dante asked, "you scared? or something?"
"No, just cold." I responded. He got up and walked to his suite case pulling out a black thrasher hoodie and throwing it at me.
"OooOo" everyone cooed.
"Shut up," Dante snarled. I slipped it on and thanked Dante as he sat back down next to me. We all sat quietly with a few snacks having short conversations every now and then for about 3 episodes. We decided to call it a day since we all had to get up early to be on set the next day. "It was great meeting you guys!" I smiled.
"It was great meeting you too!" Tj said as she opened the door. Everyone said their good byes and left for their rooms. I stayed back and ruffled Dantes hair thanking her for letting me meet everyone. He gave me a quick smile back before closing the door behind me..

to be continued..

It's Just Work | Reader x Dante Albidone Where stories live. Discover now