Chapter 2

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(Y/N P.O.V)

Before I knew it I was being told to pack my bags ready for Toronto. I basically just grabbed my entire wardrobe and stuffed it into a suite case. I couldn't believe I'd be waking up in Toronto the next morning and I couldn't wait! I'd finished packing and I got dressed into a pair of sweat pants and a cosy hoodie ready for the flight before heaving my suitcase down stairs.
"Ready Mom!" I yelled from the bottom of the staircase. She came rushing downstairs with her suitcase and things falling out of her hands left right and centre. For once I was more organised then my Mom. Eventually we got all our stuff packed into the car and headed to the airport.

After making are way through the airport security and sleeping through most the flight we were finally in Toronto. We were pretty tired after the rush we went through to get here so we found out what hotel they'd put us in and decided to hold out on exploring til tomorrow. Once we arrived at the hotel and it was AMAZING! I've never seen something so nice in my life! The floors were perfectly polished white tiles and the ceiling had shiny, gold mirrors looking down on us. There were marble pillars and incredibly pristine employees. After we'd checked in we headed upstairs to our rooms. My Mom handed me the key to my room. I unlocked the door and flicked on the lights, it was perfect, the bed sheets were crisp and clean, the window was huge and it had mini little pleasantries that have always made me feel like a giant. I was far too tired to look around anymore so I flopped onto the bed and fell fast asleep.

sorry for the short chapter, to be continued..

It's Just Work | Reader x Dante Albidone Where stories live. Discover now