05. The Age of Innocence.

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"Happiness can be found even in the Darkest of times, only if one remembers to turn on the light."
-Albus Dumbledore

It had been a few days since that the last time Draco had seen the witch, he didn't know if he should be thrilled or plain infuriated. It was a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that made him feel this way, it was unusual and unsettling. The aura inside his room had shifted uncomfortably, the usual allure of darkness and venom was bitter than usual, consequently, his mood.

He had been missing his classes, he knew, didn't even try to cover up for his missing work and he knew, now, when he stepped his foot in the potions' classroom, all of this will bite him sore in the ass. With his usual scowl framing his handsome features, Draco clutched his books tighter in his hands, his knuckles almost turning white with the lack of blood flow in his body.

With his chin held high and gaze straight, he locked eyes with the potions' teacher, Horace Slughorn greeted him with a usual smile on his face, to which Draco only narrowed his eyes at.

What's he playing at?

Before the Slytherin could open his mouth to speak, he was already cut off, "How are you feeling now, Mister Malfoy? Has the cold subsidized?" There was actual concern laced to his voice which made Draco uneasy to the maximum.

"Miss Granger told me you will be on leave for a few more days but it's good to have you back, please take a seat next to your fellow head." But the room was spinning, so was head. He wasn't listening. Draco felt like emptying his nonexistent breakfast right at Slughorn's shoes but he held his bitter tongue. When the potions' teacher walked away, it was only then that he let his words sink in.

please take a seat next to your fellow head.

On cue, his eyes cut sharply to the petty Gryffindor in the corner of the huge room. Draco realized she had been looking in his direction all this time, only lowering her gaze when Draco had caught her ogling him, red-handed. He didn't say anything, merely closed his eyes, sighing before he trudged his way to the girl who had been giving him plaguing nightmares about that one sensual kiss they shared the other day. Hermione made no action to take notice of the blond boy now sitting next to her, she continues mixing several substances together as if she herself didn't know what exactly was she doing.

Draco was aware of the tension between them, he hadn't missed the fear in her eyes the other day when he had miraculously tortured her, burned her skin with his touch as he enjoyed watching the girl squirm under his body weight. He hadn't missed the glint of his sadistic self in her eyes for him, no, he was a clear witness to it all.

But he kept his mouth shut, well, at least till the end of class, that is.

Slughorn had just stepped outside of the room that he turned to the petty Gryffindor. Throughout the whole damn lecture he could not do anything but wonder why would Granger make up a damn excuse for him so she could save his sorry ass from trouble. Different things kept hurting his head but he just couldn't decipher anything at this very moment. It was then that Draco Malfoy decided to confront the witch himself (which, by the way, was the last thing he wanted to do) He knew, one look into her eyes and he would feel all those same emotions from that kiss, one look and he would be deprived off his sleep in the next coming nights, one look and he would be an absolute mess. So believe him when he let his eyes wander to her, the ground beneath his feet shook.

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