Missing piece.

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It was a usual day. It was raining cats and dogs. And here I was sitting in class looking out of the window. Melancholy evident on my face. I was so dead and tired of everything... nothing new the same old routine, we've got midterms on the way so everyone's is studying harder which shall be said quite impossible for me. 

Last month I got F in three subjects and my math teacher, who I presume despises me insulted me in front of everyone in the corridor. My parents gave me a handful of words they really don't care about what I feel. 

Now I'm in the class listening to other people's gossips cause why not? It's not like I had any friends. So what I came to know is that a transfer student is going to come. I guess that s what still keeping me interested in this whole gossip.

S1: oh my goshhh, it's a boy I heard!

S2: damnnn, what if he is a cutie?

S3: I'll make sure I get in his pants XD

I was already out of it. I was reading stuff on my phone when the teacher came in. I put my phone away and started to concentrate on his lecture. At the end of our class, a teacher came in and was standing at the door, he called our teacher and whispered and went away. I couldn't make out what they were saying as I was at the 6th row. Then he cleared his throat and said

"Eh..students, today we have a new student who is transferred from a foreign state."

Everyone at this point was very intrigued, boys and girls were arguing on the student being a girl or boy. I was nonchalant on this whole thing so I started scribbling down some notes from the bored. I heard him call in the transfer student. And so he caught my eyes.. A (hair colour), (complexion)... (e/c). He was wearing a black sweater, understable in this cold weather. His lips were a light shade of pink. When I was so busy observing him, our eyes met. I was flustered and I felt heat rising to my cheeks..I looked away almost immediately. 

All the girls were wooing. Boys were groaning and here I was blushing seeing a boy who is an utter stranger. I looked back to him writing his name on the board and introduced himself. He glanced at me now and then through it. And then th teacher asked him to choose a sit and attend the classes from today. He was looking around girls were sayin- no screaming at him to sit with them. I knew Britney (class most popular/hottest girl) would make him sit with him so dissapointed I started to scribble down the lesson. 

I couldn't get his face out of my mind. Out of nowhere I felt a  presence beside me. I looked up and saw him. I was shocked! I stared at him for too long and he was too. I returned to my senses and quickly turned away. But he started talking 

"Hey, as you heard I'm (c/n). What's your name?"

"I-I'm (y/n). Nice to meet you."

"(Y/n)? That's a cute name. As you know I'm knew and I don't really want those girls jumping on me, mind showing me around ?"

"I uh.. ah..no..no problem."

"Okay sounds good!"

After that all the classes went on smoothly. And when all the classes were over I told him if he wants to see the whole and so he was, beside me. We talked loads and loads felt like someone at least someone in the whole world was finally getting me. I came to know a lot about his family. He lived a pretty cruel life and I felt bad for him. 

When I was showing him the garden. He held my hand.. i bit my lips from smiling but couldn't help the heat that rose to my cheeks. I held his hand too. Then I asked him,

"Hey, you want any drinks? It's getting pretty late too."

"Hm? Sure why not. Hey, where do you live?"

"Well, I live on (address). Why? Which one do you want?" I asked him as I got closer to the vending machine. 

"Oh you know, maybe we  Could walk to home together and your place is really close to mine. And (his favourite soda) please."

"Oh is it? Sure." When I got the drinks bending down and standing up he got real close to me. 

"And one more thing. (Y/n), in this short span of time I came to like you very much. Would you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"

I was baffled. But I nodded a yes. I felt his breath on my neck. I was feeling this thing which I never felt and i wanted him so bad. Sooner then ever cutting my thoughts I felt his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me close grabbing my waist and cupping my face with the other. Soon we parted.

"Well then, baby. Shall we?"

I giggled at his fake accent and said, "we shall!"

And with that we walked to our homes and our days went on with each other. Guess he was my missing piece in my life. Love you (c/n).

                                                                                  The end!

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