Sneak Peek To Avengers Endgame

Start from the beginning

"Do you understand?" I asked her and she nods. "Yes, I understand." She said then she looks at me then she stands up in her chair and goes to hug me. I hug her back and held her close as I felt this loving sensation wash over me. This must be what fatherhood feels like. I thought as I close my eyes. "I'm glad you're home, Daddy." (Y/n) said. 

"Me too." I said then I pull back from the hug so I can look her in the face. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). For not being a good father. I realized that I was taking life for granted, taking you for granted. And now I know to not do that ever again and I promise you that I'll do better. I'm gonna be a better person and a better father." I said and she nods at this as I push back a loose strand of hair that was sticking out from her ponytail. "And I promise to protect you and keep you safe, okay?" I said and she nods and she hugs me again.

*Present Day*

I stare at the picture for few minutes until I look up and realized that I am letting her down by breaking that promise. And at that moment I set the photo down and start to make up my mind about this Time Travel idea. 

"So, recommend one last sim before we pack it in for the night. This time, in the shape of a mobius strip, inverted. Please?" I said to the AI in the dining room and a hologram appears on the table. "Processing..." replied AI.

"Give me that eigenvalue. That, particle factoring, and spectral decomp." I said. "Gotta take a second." The AI said. "Just a moment. And don't worry if it doesn't pan out. I'm just kinda..." I said as I watch the model until it rendered. I fall back into my chair as I look at this in shock. Oh my God! I did it! I thought as I place my hand over my mouth then exclaimed. "Shit!"

"Shit!" I hear a little voice say. I turn around and see Morgan sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, behind me. I place my finger up to my lips as I shake my head at her. "What are you doing up, Little Miss?" I asked her. "Shit." She said again with a smile. "No. We don't say that. Only Mommy says that word. She coined it, it belongs to her." I said to her.

"Why you up?" Morgan asked me. "Cause I got some important shit going on here. What do you think?" I said, quickly. Then she gives me this look at disbelief before I said, calmly. "No, I got something on my mind. I got something on my mind."

"Was it Juice Pops?" She asked me and I sit there for a moment then said. "Sure was. That's extortion. Great minds think alike. Juice Pops, exactly was mind." Then I stand up and so does she and we head to the kitchen and grabbed a Juice Pop.

"You done? Yeah?" I asked her and she shakes her head a buitas I eat the last piece of the Juice Pop. "Now you are." I said and she smiles then I place my hand over her face and, gently, push her head towards the pillow. "That face, goes there." I said to her. "Tell me a story." She begs. "A story. Once upon a time, a little girl went to bed. The end." I said to her. "That ain't the whole story." said Morgan. "Come on, that's your favorite story." I teased her and she rolls her eyes at me, which really reminded me of (y/n). I smile down at her until she said. "Do you think sissy would like me, if she was here?" I look at her as I look her over and said. "Yeah, I think she would adore you." I said, softly, as tears forms in my eyes. "I hope to see her one day." She said and I smile. "Me too, honey. Me too." I said as I wipe away a tear. Morgan, obviously, sees this then sits up and hugs me, I hug her back. Then she lays back down in her bed and I smile at her. "I love you tons." I said to her. "I love you 3,000." She replies back and I look at her in shock. "Wow. 3,000. That's crazy." I said as I stand up, turn her light off, open her door and start to walk out. "Go to bed. Or I'll sell all your toys. Night-night." I said as I leave.

"Not that it's a competition, but she loves me 3,000. You were somewhere in the low 6 to 900 range." I said to Pepper, who was sitting on the living room couch. "Oh, does she?" She asked me then she continues to read her book. "What you reading?" I asked her as I look over at the hologram. "Just a book on composting." She replies. "What's new with composting?" I asked, distracted.

"Just ...."

"I figured it the way." I said, interrupting her. She looks up at me and said. "You know, just so we're talking about the same thing..."

"Time travel." I finished. "What? Wow. That's..." she said, shocked. "Amazing, and....terrifying." I said. "That's right." She said. "I got really lucky, mostly." I said. "Yeah. I know." She said. "A lot of people didn't."

"No, I can't help everybody." I said. "It sorta seems like you can." said Pepper. "Not if I stop. I can put a pin in it right now, and stop." I said. "Tony...trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life." Pepper said to me. "I sometimes feel I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of a lake...go to bed." I said to her as I sit down next to her on the couch. "But would you be able to rest? Especially knowing you could bring her back? Cause're not the only one that misses her." She said as she looks me into my eyes, pleadingly.

I look at her and realize that she's right. She's always right. If this is my chance to have my whole family together, I have to take it.

I need to do it.

For the kid.

For (y/n).

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