After the last class of Friday and some time of planning his next class for the six-year students, Snape decided it was about time to get ready for their date. Whatever on Earth that means. Well, he couldn't go wrong taking a shower, shaving and drying his hair. He hadn't been on too many dates to know.

Lupin was a bit more like the anxious type. He knew what he was going to wear for at least two days and made sure it was a good day to shave the way he liked. His plan was a bit bold but it was exciting at the same time. He put some perfume and closed the door behind him. Yep, this was really happening.

They met close to a statue after most of the students had left for Hogsmeade or went to their common rooms.

"Evening, Severus" Lupin greeted him kindly

"Remus, how kind of you to join me and my faithful Friday night companion" Snape joked looking at a bottle of Firewhiskey he had brought with him

"I hope I'm not distracting you too" Lupin teased

"Not at all," Snape said touching Remus' shoulder in a rather seducing way. "So, where are we going?" he asked

"Come with me," Lupin said in a mysterious way

The werewolf took him for a little walk in some corridors and up to the seventh floor. There they walked the same place a couple of times.

"Are you lost, Remus?" Snape asked, not understanding a thing

"No, this is a special room. It appears only when you need it and if you pass it three times thinking of what you want" Lupin answered satisfied with the look of surprise he got from Severus

On the third walk, a door appeared. And Severus had this look on his face. Sometimes he forgot how much he loved magic. Remus couldn't look away from him, he had never seen the other wizard be so sincerely fascinated about Hogwarts before.

When they entered, the place was illuminated by candlelight, many of them floating in different heights. The illumination also had some red tones to it. There was a table there with food and apparently some wine. They had a heavy wooden bench to sit on one side of the table, with two cushions next to each other.

"You decorated the place yourself?" Snape asked impressed with a discrete smile

"The room adapts to what the person needs or wants. I had many of this in mind while we walked, but some things are here because you thought of them, Severus" Lupin said to him while looking at the bench with the cushions

"You got me on that one," Severus said amused

They sat together and started eating what the room had provided them. Severus was more the type of having a meal at night, he didn't eat during the afternoon. And Lupin liked to have a snack, he was always eating little things between lunch and the time he went to bed. The room gave each of them what they wanted.

The conversation flowed easily and the drinks also gave them a little push to feel more comfortable around each other. They started talking about the quidditch match from the weekend before. Lupin was surprised to know that Snape actually enjoyed watching it.

"Let me guess, you wanted Hufflepuff to win" Snape stated as he finished his third dose of firewhiskey

"Honestly, yes! Ravenclaw's team is great but I have some fondness for the Hufflepuff house" Lupin said wondering how much Snape could drink without feeling sick

"Really? I couldn't tell. Always thought a clever man like you would have Ravenclaw as your second house" Snape said looking at him with a light expression

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