chapter 4

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    All I could think about was Abby. I felt really bad, I could imagine what she was going through.

    I just got home and the first day of my new school and I already have homework.

    Who gives homework to people that are just trying to adapt to a new school? Do the teachers want new students to hate their school? Do they even care about their reputation? Well actually- no matter what the teachers do, they're still getting paid either way. Ugh... money is everybody's top priority these days, including mine.

    In the middle of this torture, I get a text from a random phone number:

???: hey lystria!!

Lystria: who are u stalker?

???: somebody

Lystria: somebody who?

???: just somebody that you used to know

Lystria: blocked

And that was the end of our conversation.

January 8, 2019

    The next morning around 6:50, the school looked abandoned. It was covered with fog and I could barely see it. Squinting my eyes, I found Deti hanging out at the flag pole right behind the entrance. He looked... lonely like all his friends left him or something.

"Hey loser," I approached him,

He glanced at me and frowned, "No bullying allowed in this campus."

"Isn't there supposed to be no bullying everywhere?"

"Well... that's true..."

Suddenly, awkwardness filled the air.

"So... uh," I tried to think of a question, "Um... Why are you so lonely all the time?" I asked,

"Hey! I'm not lonely, I have... plenty... of friends." He said, "Either way, that's none of your beeswax."

"Um... okay then," I said,

"And anyway," He reached in his pocket, taking out his phone. He would point at it. "Why did you block me last night?"

"Huh? Wait..." I realized, "That was you?"

He nodded, "Yeah, and don't ask how I got your-"

"How did you get my number?" I questioned, he sighed.

"That's not important."

    A group of guys passed by us, they seemed to have their own conversation. I feel bad for eavesdropping, but they were so loud that everybody around them could hear. It almost sounded like they were overexaggerating their talking. 

"Isn't Abby back from her... 'vacation'?"

"Yeah, and she's looking pretty and adorable as always..." The dude heavily sighed,

"Hmm... we should talk to her later."

"Yeah... I miss her,"

The boys headed into the school building,

    I whipped my head around to Deti, "Did you just hear that?"

"Hear how people say how adorable she is?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "You really are stupid aren't you."

"Oh- Wait," He thought for a moment, "she's back?"

amaranth (on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें