Chapter 7

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A few hours later, Mac sat in her own hotel room in Seattle. She had decided to work on her article a little before she met Jon in his room for dinner. Typing away on her laptop, she was trying hard not to daydream about the sexy man in the room next door. Mac had been quite surprised when they arrived at the hotel and Jon had discreetly requested adjoining suites for the two of them. Not that she was going to complain. The suite she was in was very nice, with a bedroom and separate sitting room, and the bathroom was just spectacular. Her mind drifted to the sexy man in question. Was he in his suite?

Somehow, she found herself staring at the door that connected their suites. Was he serious about seeing if they could have a relationship? Why would someone like him want to have a relationship with her? She laid one hand on the door and immediately images began to flash across her brain, quickly gaining speed from a jerky slow motion to a full speed movie. A woman dressed like a maid smiling at Jon, him smiling back, the maid walking over to him like some sort of zombie, Jon kissing on her neck, all flashed across her mind's eye. The only thing in common with the previous vision was the feeling of absolute ecstasy. Jon kissing another woman, after just proclaiming to her that he wants to try a relationship? Or, was he nibbling on the woman's neck like he had teased her about earlier?

She stumbled to a nearby chair and almost fell into it. Her visions always left her weak and dizzy for a few minutes. It had always bothered Mac that there was never any sound with these visions, and she didn't know if what she was seeing was past, present or future. She always had to just muddle through and just try to figure out what they meant.

So, she began to try to muddle through. Were these just women from Jon's past? It would have to be the recent past, judging from his appearance in the vision. What did it all mean? She didn't want to keep seeing him with other women, but then she never saw what she wanted to see in these visions. Hell, she would prefer not to see them at all.


Jon walked away from the broom closet feeding feeling guilty, feeling like he had betrayed Mac in some way. Why? He had to feed, and if Mac were a converted vampire he would have to in turn feed her. Hunting and feeding were facts of life for him. So, why then, did it feel like a betrayal of his life-mate?

Shaking his head at the confusion, he walked back into his suite. He had left Richie there a few minutes ago to go feed, and predictably, Richie was waiting on his return.

"So," Richie grinned at him, his guitar still in his lap, "how'd it go?"

"Same as usual."

"Except, you didn't have sex with her. You weren't gone long enough," Richie commented.

"Unless of course...naaaa....that would just be sad."

"Knock it off, Rich, I haven't had sex with another woman since I met Mac."

"Whoa. Really?" Richie was surprised. "That's telling, isn't it?"

"Even more telling, though, is that I felt guilty after feeding," Jon said, shaking his head at his own foolishness. "Explain that one... old, wise, jackass."

"But Jon, you have to feed."

"That's exactly my point." Jon walked over to the chair he had vacated earlier, picked up his guitar and sat down. He was waiting on Richie to give him some sort of pearl of wisdom. Richie was, remarkably enough, able to come up with one from time to time. With his guitar in his lap, he looked at his friend with expectation etched on his face.

"What?" Richie asked him, smiling.

"I'm waiting on that occasional flash of brilliance to happen and you to say something genius-like," Jon explained.

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