Chapter 3

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When the plane landed in Anchorage, Mac realized that Jon had taken his sunglasses off sometime during the flight. Even though Sandy had tried to describe the color of his eyes, Mac was surprised by the piercing shade of light blue as his gaze met hers. Breaking eye contact with the handsome man, Mac glanced at her watch. It was only 5:30 in the evening, but mid-January in Anchorage meant the sun had set an hour before the plane landed. She knew from the itinerary she was given that the show would be the next night, and was a special show to benefit after school programs in Alaska.

Just before they began to exit the plane, Obie caught Mac's attention when he stopped Richie and asked, "Where's Benny?"

Mac noticed that even Jon winced at the bad joke when Richie sang, "B-B-B-Benny's on the jet."

A tall, dark headed muscle-bound man stepped forward and asked, "What do you need, Obie?"

"I want you to stay with Mac and keep an eye out for her," Obie answered.

"Now, that'll be the easiest job you've ever given me, Obie." replied Benny as the band members began to de-board the plane.

Before stepping thru the door, Jon turned to Benny and said "Make sure the two of you stay close to me and the guys. I don't care what Obie said, I want you to keep both eyes on her."

With her temper pricked, Mac narrowed her eyes and glared at Jon as she snatched up her purse and laptop, and with her head held high, dignity still intact, she quickly stepped in front of Jon to exit the plane before him, vowing to herself to take this up with him later.

The speed and efficiency with which they made it through the airport surprised Mac. They all worked together and with security like clockwork, obviously having done this thousands of times. An hour later, she was pacing in the room assigned to her in an expensive four-star hotel. She was still seething over Jon's obvious command to her new baby sitter. Mac honestly wouldn't be surprised to open her door and find Benny outside like some sort of sentry. Deciding now was a good time to confront Jon, while her temper was still hot enough to melt the polar ice cap, she stalked to her door and flung it open. It was almost anti-climatic not to see Benny standing outside guarding her door. She knew which door was Jon's because she had seen him enter it just before she went into her own room. Marching to the door across the hall, she paused a moment to take a deep breath, before knocking on it loudly.

Jon sat in a chair looking out the big picture window, the lights of another city winking back at him when someone knocked on the door. He knew who it was; he could smell her. He had known this was coming. He didn't need to be a vampire to see the anger rolling off of her in waves on the plane. "Come in," he called softly, ready for battle.

Just as she turned the door knob from the outside, he used his mind to turn it on his side so that it would open for her since the door automatically locked when closed.

Mac walked in the room. The view took her breath away, not the scenic view, but the man enjoying it. He sat shirtless, reclining in a dark colored, curved back chair just like the two in her own room. His bare feet were propped in the identical chair sitting in front of him, his hands lay with fingers laced casually across his muscular abdomen.

With one foot he casually pushed the chair out from under his other foot. "Have a seat, Ms. Donaldson," he offered. She stood motionless, just staring at him. He looked at her questioningly, with one blond eyebrow raised. When she didn't move, only stood there still staring, he reached out with his mind once again trying to touch hers.

The odd sensation of butterfly wings brushing against her brain caused Mac to jerk her head and take a step further into the room. "I'd rather stand," she told him.

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