Keeping You Warm - Bakugou ⚠️LEMON 🍋⚠️

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A/N: •~~• means nobody's POV (basically 3rd person)

It was the beginning of Winter and it was freezing. I was out on patrol and to be honest this was one of the negative things about being a pro hero.

All I was wearing was a skin tight black suit with some white. Of course it had some accessories and some padding but it wasn't enough to keep my body warm.

I was shivering from head to toe. My nose felt blocked and to make matters worse it started to snow.

"Great..." I muttered. Don't get me wrong, I love snow but I just wasn't in the mood. Especially since I was freezing my ass off. I continued walking on the busy street.

I started to look around and see families together smiling happily and enjoying life. I scrunched my face up and looked down. I wish a had some company right now.

After awhile of more walking I managed to find some low grade villains. But they didn't keep me occupied for too long and soon enough I found myself walking on the snowy footpath once again.

I sighed.  How much longer of this? I think to myself. As I was deep in my thoughts I felt a hand tug at my shoulder. I instantly turned around alarmed and ready to punch.

"Woah easy there!" I heard a familiar gruff voice call out. "Oh hey Bakugou" I say calmly    still shivering.

"What're you doin' outside?" He asked with curiosity in his voice. For once he wasn't scowling.

I opened my mouth to answer until he interrupted me.

"GEEZ! YOUR LITERALLY FROZEN (Y/N)" He shouted and stared at me with worry in his eyes.

I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet. I suddenly felt him wrap his arms around me. "B-b-Bakugou...?" I questioned

"What're you doing?" I ask as my eyes widened and my arms dangle beside us.

"I'm hugging you damnit! Keeping you warm... What else does it look like I'm doing?!" He scowled. I laughed and tried pushing him off.

"I didn't say you could leave" he whispers in my ear creating goosebumps. He holds onto me tighter rubbing his hands up and down my back. I felt like closing my eyes but it didn't seem appropriate.

He finally let go of me and wrapped his scarf around my neck. As he did I found myself lost in his red orbs. They had a soft look in them. I started smiling, "Thanks Bakugou"

I turn my back and walk only two steps away until I felt large soft hands grip on my wrist. I looked behind me and saw Bakugou pulling me towards him.

"Don't go..." he mumbled.

Bakugous POV
"Don't go..." I mumble. I didn't want to lose her company. "What?" She asked.

"Use your fucking ears!" I growl and let go of her wrist but still keep close. It was starting to get dark and nobody was around.

(Y/n) was staring at the stars. I looked up as well but found myself looking at her with the corner of my eyes.

I see her glance at me and I quickly look back up. Not long after I feel something crash against me. I flinched as I see (y/n) holding a snow ball. I smirk and chase after her.

I soon catch up and pin her to the ground... Our faces inches away from eachother. I felt her softly breathing against my face causing me to tense up.

I stare straight into her eyes and soon slowly lean in. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time" I state whilst lightly placing my thumb on her bottom lip and then removing it.

I lean in again and then stop taking her beauty in once more. I kept her hands pinned down as I placed my lips on top of hers. They felt soft and sparks danced inside me.

I gave her some room to sit up. Once she did I wrapped my arms around her waist and licked my lips.

I lightly bit her bottom lip. Asking for entry. You declined but I didn't take no for an answer. We had a battle with our tongues and I won. (Of course).

I explored every bit of her mouth. We broke apart for air. A line of drool following. I went down to her neck. Giving you an array of hickies. I found your spot and started to suck hard on it.

I nibbled on it and could feel you holding back moans as your breathing increased.

"I want to hear you sing~" I cooed before nibbling on your earlobe.

I finally got you to moan. I smirked as I stroked your hair back "Good girl~" I whisper playfully.

I soon found Katsuki's hand hovering over the zip of my costume. My eyes widened as I New what he wanted

"Katsuki it's freezing out here" I say looking up at him. He growls in annoyance and picks me up bridal style.

A few minuets later I find myself at the front of his door step. He opens the door and kicks it open and then closes it with me still in his arms.

He runs upstairs and throws me on the bed. I blush a little as the bed sprung up and down. I noticed Katsuki in front of me taking his shirt off. God those abs I thought to myself

As soon as he takes it off he pins me right down onto the bed. I feel his soft red eyes staring at me. He nibbles on my neck as he slowly zips the zipper down.

"This your first time?" He questions. I nod in embarrassment and blush like crazy. He stroked my hair back "don't worry. It's mine too" He says reassuring me.

He slips my suit off revealing my (b/c) laced bra. I closed my eyes tightly and he stopped.

"We don't need to do this if you don't want to" he said looking at me worriedly. "It's fine" I reply nodding. Katsuki slowly continues to take my costume off leaving me in just a bra and panties.

He unhooked my bra and threw it aside. He kissed around my breasts leaving dark hickeys everywhere.

He kisses my nips and gently bites them as well sending a quick shoot of joyous pain through me.

He slowly kisses down to my stomach and then on my bellybutton. He stopped once he reached my panties. He gently tugged on them with his hands and pulled them down.

He kissed around my woman hood teasingly before stopping. He looked back up at my face and kissed my lips. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He then completely stopped "Ah shit. I have night patrol... Damnit! Damnit! Damnit it all!" He growled.

He then looked down at me. "Sorry. But I guess this session is delayed." He says planting a kiss on my forehead.

Guys I haven't written in this style in ages. So I'm going to stop it there. Sorry for the abrupt ending! I didn't know how to end it lmao 😂
Thanks for reading Xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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