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As she woke up she noticed that both of her mums had gone to work.She went to the kitchen to have some breakfast.She opened the fridge.

-Great! No breakfast for me.

She closed the fridges door.As she went to the livingroom to watch some TV she heard that,someone was knocking on her door.

-I swear to god, if that's Joe again...

She opened the door and saw a woman.She was about 5 ft 8,red haired and she looked like journalist.

-Hello.I'm sorry to bother you,but do you have any sugar?.

-Um.Let me look

(She went to the kitchen to look for some sugar,but found none.)

-Uhh,sorry,no sugar.

-It's Ok.I'll just ask someone else,than.

As she left,Norrie closed the door and continued watching TV.Few minutes later she heard a fight in the hallway.She went to look through the peek hole and saw some blonde girl and some guy (whom was dressed as a cop) fighting.

-Get out!

-But,but I love u!

-Like I said: Get out!

Norrie saw how the guy left from the apartment.She decided to take a nap out of boredom.When she opened her eyes first thing she saw was Joe.

-Wow! This must be a nightmare.

-I'm sorry,but the door was open and I decided to come in.

-Yep,this must be a nightmare.

-You know,when you sleep you're very cute.

-Yeah,and when you're very annoying ,just very annoying.

As Joe and Norrie continued talking they noticed that few hours had passed.

-Hey.What time is it?.

-About 5pm.Why?

-Shit! My moms are going to be home.

-Like,right now?.

-No, in 100 years...of course now.

So Joe left and Norrie started to cleaning up the mess she had made.About a half an hour later she heard someone unlocking the door.She knew it was her moms.

-Damn! I'm in so much trouble.

As her moms entered the room they saw the mess.

-Did some sort of a tornado go trough here?.

-Norrie,explain please.

But Norrie was in no mood to explain so she stormed out of the apartment.In the hallway Joe saw Norrie pissed(off) so he went to comfort her.

The girl next doorWhere stories live. Discover now