"Good morning, Izuku" I greeted as I entered his room. "Dr. (L/N)! It's been forever since we've seen you!" the green haired man exclaimed as he nearly tackled me with a hug. "Izuku, it's been a day" I corrected him with a chuckle at his clingy behavior. "It's felt like so much longer" he stated with a sigh. "I'd stay longer and visit you before I clock out if I could" I told him. "I appreciate that a lot" he hummed with a sad smile. He groaned in pain as Deku took over. "I need to talk to you about something" he said with an accusing glare. "What's wrong, Deku?" I inquired. "Todoroki has been acting different lately" he began. "How so?" I asked curiously. "He's actually been acknowledging that there are other people that exist. I mean, it's not like he verbally responds, but he looks at people, nods, shakes his head and shrugs when someone talks to him" he explained. "That's a big improvement" I pointed out with a smile. "It's weird. What did you even do to get through to him?" he questioned with a huff. "Deku, what I say to my patients is confidential. As a doctor, it's unethical and it breaks the trust I build with them" I denied him an answer. 'I'm not sure, myself' I thought. "Tch. Whatever" he grumbled. 

"Is there something that's been bothering you, Deku?" I asked. "It's n-" he was cut off with a groan of pain as Ryuko took over. "W- we overheard the other d- doctors talking about you" he informed me with a stutter. "Really? What did they say?" I inquired. "Th- they said that they w- were going to t- test you, since you've g- gotten through to all three of us and T- Todoroki" he answered nervously. "Test me? In what way?" I questioned. "Th- they are going to m- make you work with K- Kacchan" he whimpered, obviously terrified of whoever he was referring to. "Who's Kacchan?" I questioned, trying not to show my growing nervousness. "H- his real name is K- Katsuki Bakugou...h- he's so violent and attacks p- people without reason...and he n- never regrets anything" Ryuko began to have a panic attack as he explained. 'Don't tell me that they only assigned me to work with Bakugou to test me!' I begged in my head. "Calm" I said softly as I gently held Ryuko's hands and activated my quirk. The panicking male took a deep, relaxing breath as my quirk took effect on his body. "Th- thank you, D- Dr. (L/N)" he muttered calmly. "No need to thank me" I assured him with a soft smile, which he returned. After a familiar groan of pain, Izuku took over. "Please be careful, Dr. (L/N)...I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt" he muttered the last part a bit darkly, which surprised me, considering Izuku is usually high-spirited and energetic. "I will, I promise" I said with a small smile. After about thirty minutes, my watch beeped, reminding me of the time and signalling the end of my visit with Izuku. "I'm sorry, Izuku, but it's time for me to go" I apologized sincerely. "It...it's fine...I understand" he said with a sad sigh. We hugged each other and said out goodbyes before I left Izuku's room and headed towards Todoroki's.

I entered Todoroki's room quietly and shut the door behind me. "Good morning, Mr. Todoroki" I greeted. "Good morning, Dr. (L/N)" the bicolor haired male greeted me back in his usual flat tone. "How have you been feeling today?" I asked. "Um...I actually have a request, before we start our session" he said, not looking at me. "Alright. What would you like?" I inquired curiously. "Can you..." he began before taking a deep breath. "Can you please call me by my first name?" he requested. To say I was shocked was an understatement. As far as I know, Todoroki is rather aloof and very formal. He looked at me, patiently awaiting my answer. "If that is what you'd like, I'd be happy to, Shoto" I replied with a smile. "And feel free to call me by my first name as well" I added. "Thank you...(Y/N)" he thanked me happily, a small smile gracing his features. "Now then, let's begin today's visit" I suggested as I sat beside him on his bed. He doesn't seem to mind the closeness as much anymore. 

"So how has your daily life been? Other than when I'm here with you" I asked. "Quite mundane" he answered bluntly. "Would you care to elaborate a little?" I requested. "Everything is on a schedule. During our free time, everyone is constantly watched by the guards, every so often, some of the other patients ask me unimportant questions that I simply ignore, and then we're escorted back to our rooms, some handled more roughly than others. During lunch, the food is rather bland and I usually try to isolate myself in order to eat in peace. Other than those times of supervised outings, we are locked in our rooms" he explained. "I see" I said with a nod. "Have you spoken to anyone besides me?" I inquired. "No. There is no one else I can trust" he answered firmly. "I'm glad that you feel that you can trust me, Shoto" I hummed with a smile. He nodded returned the smile.

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