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It's been almost two weeks and, surprisingly, I haven't gotten any new patients. Shoto and I have been reading together, but never make much conversation, while Izuku has no trouble talking up a storm. 

As I clocked in, the woman who I had met on the first day, whose name I learned is Diana, walked up to me with a third file. "Dr. (L/N), you'll be seeing another patient today" she told me with an apologetic smile. "Why are you making that face?" I asked with concern. "All I can tell you is that you'll be glad the guard will be there" she said, which sent a chill up my spine. I reluctantly looked down at the new file, my hands shaking slightly.

Floor 1-A; Patient 17

Name: Katsuki Bakugou

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Quirk: Explosion

Diagnosis(es): Histrionic Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Anxiety, Superiority Complex


- As a child, the patient was constantly compared to others and was put down if he showed any signs of weakness. This constant comparison has made him develop his superiority complex.

- By being constantly compared, he always overexerted himself in order to gain attention and praise. This need for attention and approval developed into an extreme case of HPD.

-  In his insatiable desire to gain attention, the patient had developed symptoms of NPD; putting himself and his success over others' feelings, has a strong sense of entitlement, and is unable to handle any type of criticism without lashing out.

History: As a child, the patient had a very quiet and passive father who was always working and barely paid the patient any mind, while his mother was very aggressive, violent and always pushed him to succeed. The patient's mother's expectations were far higher than the patient was able to achieve, so she constantly called the patient weak and worthless. In a desperate attempt at gaining positive attention and approval, the patient consistently pushed himself and his quirk passed his limits; to the point of extreme exhaustion and falling unconscious on multiple occasions. Even though the patient grew stronger, he was still compared to those stronger than him (most of whom were full-grown adults that have had decades of practice honing their skills). In an attempt to prove his very judgmental and self-righteous mother that he is worthy of her attention, he lashed out at others as a way to demonstrate the difference in power. During these acts of justification, the patient had disregarded the feelings and opinions of others. Patient has adopted an unsympathetic and unempathetic way of thinking and has extremely violent tendencies. WARNING: APPROACH WITH EXTREME CAUTION! DO NOT PROVOKE! DOCTOR MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY ARMED GUARD AT ALL TIMES WHILE INTERACTING WITH PATIENT!

Note: Patient is restrained with ankle chains, quirk-cancelling cuffs and is muzzled as a precaution.

'Good Lord! How in the nine circles of Hell do they expect me to work with this man?!' I wanted to scream as fear coursed through my body. "Dr. (L/N)?" the voice of a guard interrupted my thoughts, causing me to jump and squeak in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he apologized. "Calm" I said as I touched my forehead and activated my quirk on myself, effectively relieving me of most of my fear. "It's alright. I'm just a bit disturbed by the new patient I have to work with" I told him honestly. "Don't worry, Dr. (L/N), I'll be there to protect you" the guard assured me. "Well, I have to meet with Midoriya and Todoroki first, so I'll have time to collect myself" I stated as we walked down the familiar hall towards Izuku's room,

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