What The Zodiacs Would Do At A Movie

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Aries: Sits in the front row and instantly regrets it

Taurus: Gets a lot of snacks for everyone

Gemini: Yelling at everyone to shut up

Cancer: Crying during the movie

Leo: Focusing on the movie the whole time

Virgo: Can't stop talking and everyone tells Virgo to shut up

Libra: Goes to the bathroom and misses something important

Scorpio: Shaking their head at everyone

Saggitarius: Keeps making jokes and laughing, eventually gets kicked out

Capricorn: Secretly stealing people's snacks

Aquarius: Laughing at Saggitarius and gets kicked out

Pisces: Trying to ignore everyone and watches the movie

~Ta-daa a new story of WTZSWD I hope you enjoy and continue reading this story ciao~

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