Chapter 7

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Neymar is starting to believe me after i said my previous words, i never hear him talking about that witch ever since that day. Today i'm going to join Bianca to her charity action, it's been a while since i did this. Sometimes it makes me missing my old office and Beatrice, she's doing good as the Head Director now.

"Usually the orphans here, are waiting for Deborah to shows up." Bianca starts the conversation.

"Look Bianca, i don't want you to be too close to her. She's not the person who you thought she is and i don't you to be manipulated by her."

"I will be very careful with her, but everyone here seems to love her."


"She always read them a fairytale stories."

"Like the stories about A Princess and The Ugly Queen." One of the orphans join in our conversation, so i decided to ask them more about it.

"What's the story about?"

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess living in a castle named Diana and she's in love with a king named Nathaniel. But there is a selfish ugly queen named Juliette who wants to seperate them and—"

"Okay i think that's enough Dany, you might want to play with the others again." I turn to the voice that's disturbing us and i could see the witch is standing behind me.

"Where is Bianca?" I ask her. "Why are you here?"

"Bianca is outside helping the others and i'm here because they love me."

"I don't have time for you." I wanted to leave her, but she said something.

"I knew you fake that cramps earlier, what a dramatic ugly queen you are."

"It's not your fucking business, if you'll excuse me."

She chuckle. "You know Neymar is defending me right? Even he can't stop calling me, to show sorry he is because of his wife's immature attitude."

"He is what?" I raise my voice.

"He's been calling me since that day and he came to my place yesterday to talk to me privately."

I breath rapidly until i could hear my own heartbeat, she's trying to play a game with me and i won't lose. I leave her there and go to help Bianca outside, Bianca was asking me about what happen but i didn't tell her why. That witch could be lying and i know Neymar will never lie to me, that's just how he is.

After this long tiring day was over, i wait for Bianca inside her office while she's having a meeting with her client. Later, Deborah came inside and i roll my eyes again, i can't stand being in the same room with her. She walk beside me and didn't say a word for more than 5 minutes.

"What do you want? You want to tell me that Neymar is coming at you again? It won't work because i know you just want to trigger me into doing something stupid."

"Nope, i'm here to talk about Bianca." She smiles. "Don't you think she's kinda trying to be all fashionable like us? I mean look at her, she doesn't even know how to clean her sneakers."

"It's up to her to wear what she wants, she's beautiful whatever clothes or ugly sneakers she wears."

"But you ever think about that too right? C'mon you're a fashion designer and i know you hate the tacky scarf she was wearing."

"Look i know she don't know how to dress. Even she never cares about her manicure or anything else, or she never clean her sneakers but don't ever talk anything bad about my bestfriend in front of me."

"Don't be a hypocrite, i know about the past between you two. You were mad at her because she almost took your position right? Even you came to her boyfriend and wearing his shirt."

"You know what? I would slap you right now, but that would be an animal abuse."

Before she continue her words i walk away from her sight. I really can't stand being in the same room with her for more than one second, i decided to take a taxi and go to my own boutique by myself. I wanted to take a night shift and focusing on my project, rather than thinking about that bitch.

After an hour i got a phone call from Bianca and i was forgot to tell her that i already left.

"Sorry, i forgot to tell you that i went home first."

"Did you just talk bad about me in front of Deborah?"

"Wait hold on, i never talk anything bad about you."

"Juli if you still have a grudge towards me over our fights for position, then you don't have to talk bad about how i dress or trying to take Kyle away from me."

"Bianca i could explain, i never said that! And how on earth that i tried to take Kylian from you? I'm a married woman, B."

"I know you hate Deborah so much and i always be on your side over everything, but telling Deborah about all of these just because you're jealous of our relationship is something else Juliette. I'm dissapointed in you."

"Bianca we shouldn't talk about this over phone! I've told you so many times that she can't be trusted!"

"Just because you don't have many friends, it doesn't mean that i can't have one either. Now i know why Neymar was coming to me at the other night and telling me that you've changed now."

She dismiss the call and rejected my phone call after, that Brazilian witch really trying to make everyone against me. Now Bianca is mad at me and i don't know what else she's capable of.


Neymar's Pov

Juli just got home in the middle of the night and i could see a big dark circle under her eyes, she told me earlier that she was having a night shift but i didn't know it will be this tiring. I carry her up to our bedroom and she fall asleep as soon as she laid on bed, maybe it's because of the side effects of pregnancies.

I'm trying to make her comfortable by taking of her clothes and shoes, i got distracted when i hear a phone call from her cellphone. I look at Bianca's name and decided to answer it.

"It's Neymar, she fell asleep as soon as she got home."

"Can you tell her that i'm going to her office tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure."

"And i think you're right Neymar, she has changed."

She dismiss the call and i glimpse at my phone. I see a single text from Deborah and i haven't replied to her message since she left Bianca's apartment. She's a good friend and a good relationship advisor to me, Juli just can't seems to understand that. I need a friend to talk about my problems and usually talking to Kylian or another guy friend, will not going to get you a good answer, so sometimes i need a point of view from a girl.

Once i told Kylian about Juli, all he ever did was blame me about everything, he have the same thoughts with Juli that think Deborah was actually mean. They think like that because they haven't know her well.

Ney, sorry if our relationship bothered your marriage. I never had a single attention to makes you defending me in front of Juliette. i knew she didn't like me and i could not to text you anymore after this, if that's what she wants.

I decided to text her back.



senior year is soo hectic like wtf, sorry if this was bad guys. hope y'all still enjoying this story hahaha:((( s.

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