Chapter Sixteen - Date One

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Error's POV

Waiting. I had to of been waiting days at this point but I know it had only been two hours. I tried doing anything I could to try and pass the time but it was no use. I paced the house at least seven times, including the perimeter of the place. When I got fed up of that, I went for a walk up and down the street but ended up going back inside when people began staring at me. They probably still remember the other day. They wouldn't understand my point of view even if I tried my hardest. No one ever wants to talk to me so why should I talk to them?

When I got back I saw it had only been seventeen minutes, how irritating. 

I would talk to Ink but he was nowhere to be found, I was actually starting to worry a little bit.

Gross, worrying about the artist.

Maybe a little.

I took a seat on the couch, turning the television onto some random channel. Spongebob, fucking perfect. 

I turn the volume up.

After about another twenty minutes of the show, I began crocheting. My fingers naturally beginning to fiddle with the blue string that came out from them. Don't ask me how it happens, it just does sometimes.

"You act like such a little kid, what would Ink say if he saw you like this?" They laughed at me for what I was doing. Like I care, so I ignore them.

"Don't fucking ignore us!"

I just turn the volume up, the sound filling the room. 

When the show finished they were all practically screaming. I couldn't shut them out. 

I put my hands over my ears, squeezing my eyes closed. My glitches and errors acted up, I could feel them swarm around me. Soon enough it's all I could feel. Just a dark void of bugs and glitches whilst being mocked by the voices in my head.

Why can't they just leave me alone?!

A bright light. A loud bang. The place was a deathly silence before nothing was to be seen. Just never ending white and a bustling of voices. 

I fell to my knees, unable to process what had just happened.

I looked at my hands, covered in glitches and pixels. 

My vision was blurry, I found my glasses in my pockets but didn't bother to put them on. I didn't want to see. 

I was too scared. 

A pair of hands seemed to pull me out of my daze, the glitches dying down as I felt a hand intertwine with mine. I heard a quiet voice murmur soft nothings, pulling me into their smaller chest. My hands grabbed onto them, one gripping their hand, the other gripping the chest. I didn't speak, just listened to them as I slowly calmed down.

"It's alright. Just calm down."

I took in a breath and nodded. "Ink..."

"I know." He kissed my forehead softly, slowly.  "Is this about our date? We don't-"

"No." I quickly cut him off. "It was something else. I want to go." I put firmly, not giving him an option. "We're going." I repeated.

Ink smiled at me, "glad to hear."

"Me too."




A Glitched Soul [ErrorXInk]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin