AJ Account Giveaway

61 3 15

Before you say anything or enter the giveaway, please just give me time to explain. And yeah, I'm still working on the prizes for the raffle. If you would like yours immediately then please tell me so I can hurry. I'll try to finish all of them by the end of this month.
Alright, now onto what I'm doing, I've decided I will be giving away my animal jam account. I've thought about this last night and honestly felt heartbroken. I've played animal jam ever since I was six or seven (Somewhere along the lines of that. Maybe eight.) and I've grown attached to the game. I actually cried when I couldn't get back on my first account (I've had multiple :/).
I've been extremely inactive on there lately and it's probably because of lost of interest. I've basically given up on playing.
I really don't want my account to be so inactive. Don't get me wrong, I love my account. But there are times where I'll no longer be interested in the things I used to be so interested.
And that's why I'm doing a giveaway. Yeah. I'm giving away my AJ account. And not a backup one, literally my main account.

Before we get onto the actual giveaway, there's a requirement. You must be active on animal jam in order to enter the giveaway. I'm giving away my account specifically for it to be active again. If you don't play animal jam then just be active in general.

There are some betas, rares and two spike wristbands (Both short and long). I have a few pets, including a ferret, squirrel and mouse. Although I absolutely adore the squirrel! But I love all of them in general so ye :3

Now, like my raffle, to enter just pick a number 1-20. And in your comment put in something that shows that you understand the requirements, please. A simple 'Got it' will do.

I might end the giveaway early but for now, it'll be when all numbers have been taken.

My account I'm giving away is xXMusicSnakeXx

• Numbers •
2. kyokoyokusa2
3. Shadepoppy
6. Crestfallen_waves
7. ZuberTheUber_SaveW
9. ALittleDarkShadow

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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