Clemence [ 3 ]

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"Fine," Stefan said, facing me, "Why are you in Mystic Falls?"

"Because Mystic Falls just looks like an attractive town," I said, dramatically flicking my straightened-as-hell hair over my shoulder.

"Look, Clemence, we have our share of vampire problems," Caroline said.

"-And you want me to leave and blah blah blah, but's not happening," I snapped.

"You're a vampire, you require human blood. Which means you have to kill."

"And so it's fine if you and this friend of yours get to kill, but I don't?" I snapped.

"We don't kill," Stefan replied. For a second, I felt the worst bit of pain in my head. It was like a migraine, but I managed to stop it. I faced Bonnie.

"Really?" I said, "Me? Remember something you, I'm a Bennett as well. Like it or not, it takes more than one undertrained witchy to hurt me,"

"A bennett?" Bonnie raised an eyebrow.

"The best one if I say so myself," I said, examining my nails.
"And this human pet of yours, you-" Stefan said.

"Number one, I am no pet. Number 2 I have never been no pet. Number 3 I will never be no pet." Adele -i mean Alex snapped.

"She's not compelled?" Stefan said, shocked.

"Hellooo, she is right here," Alex said. I rolled my eyes at her, but let her speak. If she was going to say something than she better say it, otherwise she'd be chewing my head off.

"No, Stefan she could still be compelled, the vampire probably told her to say such things," Bonnie said.

"Woah, woah, woah," I snapped and took hold of Alex's wrist, "This is a vervain bracelet, you see this, a vervain bracelet. I won't - no vampire - will be able to compel her with this on."

Alex managed to nod before fainting, I caught her in my arms and flashed to our car. 


Angry thoughts in my head, I drove past every red light and 20 mph over the speed limit. All I wanted to was rip their heads off and feed it to the chipmunks in the forest. They thought they owned all of the supernatural in this town? Not anymore, I liked the idea of power, always have. Infact, I was taken in by the most powerful vampires of all. So the scooby doo gang's  little reign was about to come to an end.

Alex stirred in the back seat, "Clemmmy?"


"I had a dream."


"Are you okay?"

"Really? That's cool - wait, what did you ask?"

"What's the matter, who fucked you up?"

I gave a small laugh, Alex knew me better than a lot of people, "Nothing, go to sleep."

Instead of going to sleep, she poked her head between the driver and the passenger seat, "The scooby doo gang fucked you up, also its midday, have you been driving all night and half a day, like you used to?" 

Rolling my eyes, I pushed her head back, "And if I have?" 

"Then, I'm surprised you haven't crashed," Alex said, "Why are we at the Lockwood's mansion?"

"I've got some business with Mason Lockwood, wait here, I'll be back," I said, taking off to the house. 

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