Hell within Heaven, that is School

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Knock! Knock!

"Riku! Wake up! It's time for school!"
"5 more minutes..." I groggily responded.

No, make those 5 minutes into 5 days. I'm not going to school ever! Not after that incident in the school ceremony!

Not only was it shameful, I probably made that man's kid resent me. My first unknown enemy in school!

"I will knock this door down in 5 seconds if you don't come out!" My mother yelled from the other side. But I still remained on the bed with my blanket on top.

Aoi was sleeping on the floor, but she woke up due to my mother's excessive yelling.

I pity our neighbours, if we have any.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1!"

The door erupted in flames, swifting burning the wood away.

"What the hell?!" I immediately jumped out of my bed. Fire! There's a fucking fire in the house! I was about to launch myself out of the room through my window when the flames fluttered away, revealing my mother behind them.

"Doors aren't cheap, Riku~" There it is. The smiling tiger has revealed herself.

"Y-Yeah, they sure aren't... Plan B!"

I instantly ran towards the open window. If I can just escape!

But alas, my mother had been somewhat prepared for this because on the otherside of that window, my father was standing there!

And he doesn't look like he'll let me off scrape-free either. Man, are they that determined to make me go to school?!




After a rinse and repeat of yesterday's morning, I find myself walking to school in this still uncomfortable grey blazer with a perched vixen. The day was still young and the moon was still out!

Such a good time to run away... Too bad they mark attendance. One missed attendance without a valid reason and I can kiss my life goodbye!


I shouldn't make a joke about that.

"Did they give you money?" Aoi asked an unexpected question. Huh, I thought she wouldn't know that.

"Yeah. But I don't know their value." I dug my pockets out for the notes. There were two blue notes and a nickel-like coin.

"Converting that to your world currency, I'd say its $4.50"
"Whoa, Aoi. You should quit being a goddess and work as a money changer!"
"Really funny, Riku. I'm already retired from a goddess to a lowly vixen anyway."

Freelance pet. That's sad.

I saw multiple students up ahead, but I recognised the blonde one to be Sherlyn. She was alone and holding her arm up. Is she hurt? I don't think she would mind if I talk with her.

I hurried on past the students and reached for Sherlyn's shoulder, "Hey-"

Instead of a greeting, I got slapped across the face by her, pushing me to the ground. Ow!...Ow!
"R-Rough greeting." That was all I said as I rubbed my red cheek. Damn, what a slap...If I didn't know pain any better, I'd say this is actually quite painful!

Sherly noticed what she did and retracted her shaking hand.

"S-Sorry! Are you okay?! Oh, I am so sorry! I-I got surprised and I acted out of reflex!"

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