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Izuku wouldn't let me leave even after two hours yesterday, so I eventually had to use my quirk to calm him down enough to make him fall asleep. My quirk allows me to control a person or object's energy and/or adrenaline levels by saying 'drained', 'charged', 'calm', or 'panic' and making physical contact. It might not be the most flashy quirk, but it fits well with my career.

~ Timeskip (next day) ~

I was given a new file when I clocked in, but I was going to stop by Izuku's room first. I decided to read over the file on my way there.

Floor 1-A; Patient 15

Name: Shoto Todoroki

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Quirk: Half-Cold Half-Hot (control of ice and fire)

Diagnosis(es): Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder


- Patient has experienced intense trauma caused by both parents (mental and physical)

- These negative relationships have caused the patient to develop BPD

- Patient is constantly paranoid that others will cause him more pain and has an extremely difficult time putting his trust in anyone or anything.

History: Patient was deliberately separated from his siblings and other such social stimulants at a very young age by his father (Professional Hero; Endeavor). Patient's father was extremely obsessed with power and success, and took it upon himself to train and constantly push the patient passed his limits. Just as the patient has inherited both parents' quirks, he has also inherited both of their appearances (hair and eye color). As the patient's father only cared about himself and his success, he neglected and mentally tortured the patient's mother, causing her to go clinically insane. This insanity drove her to hate the patient because of his resemblance to his father. In an act of hysteria, patient's mother poured boiling water onto the patient's face, permanently scarring him over his left eye. This attack left the patient with an extreme sense of both mental and physical trauma. These toxic relationships with his parents has caused the patient to develop BPD. Patient has issues with trusting others and making any sort of emotional connection, so approach with caution.

'Damn. The people in here have been through a lot' I thought with a slight frown. The guard unlocked the door and let me in. "Good morning" I greeted the green haired man with a smile, but he looked at me with a pout. "Are you alright, Izuku?" I asked. "You're so mean, Dr. (L/N)!" he whined. "You used your quirk on me...I'm not sure what it is, but you still did it" he said, still pouting. "I'm sorry, Izuku, I was told to leave and they were going to take me out of here by force if I didn't listen" I apologized. I would have stayed with Izuku, Deku, and Ryuko, but I guess they deemed Deku too dangerous to interact with for extended periods of time. "But why?" he questioned. "They said it wasn't safe for me to be around Deku" I explained. After he let out a familiar groan of pain, I heard an annoyed sigh. "Tch. They don't know what the fuck they're talking about" Deku growled. "I agree. It's not your fault that you're associated with negative emotions" I said with a sigh of my own. "So, are you going straight home after our session?" he inquired, sounding as if the very thought of me leaving left a sickening taste in his mouth. "Actually, I was given a new file today, and I'm going to visit them after this" I told him as I held up my clipboard, which now had a second file attached to it. "So who is it? Can I see the file?" Deku asked for my permission. "It's unethical for a doctor to disclose another patient's information" I replied. "From my experience with previous doctors, you're either going to see Todoroki or Bakugou. I know you've already read his file, and since you don't even seem to be the slightest bit tense about what his behavior might be, my guess is that it's Todoroki" he deduced. I was shocked by how fast he figured it out, so I couldn't form any words to respond with. I guess my lack of response was enough to confirm his suspicions.

My Hero AsylumOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz