04: Quid est venire/What is to come

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[Chapter 4: Quid est venire/What is to come]

-A few days later/En Route to Ansur/09:41:34 AM SGT (Standard Galactic Time)-

Chloe did not appreciate her current situation as she rode her horse. She was the ever loyal assassin and retainer of the Queen of the Jagged Crown, Olga Discordia, and yet here she was doing this!

"We may be fighting the same foe, Celestine Lucullus," she though bitterly, knuckles going darker than her normal skin color as she gripped the reins tightly, "but I am not yours to command!" With that said in her mind, she glared at the person running alongside her horse.

Corzo White paid the half-dark elf no heed as he kept up the pace with the equestrian creature. In all honesty, he could simply just outrun the poor girl but he thought better of it and decided to give her the illusion that he was trying to catch up. Carried on his back, secured firmly by some belts, is the Gate of Anthrakia, the staff itself giving off an otherworldly aura that Chloe had felt even at a distance between it and herself. The gunslinger had sensed the ill emotions that the half-dark elf girl was harboring towards him but had chosen not to confront it lest he delay the journey towards Ansur.

He and Chloe soon saw the tips of the outermost walls protecting Ansur in the distance, prompting the two to hurry in their pace. This was where Corzo decided to stop fooling around and picked up his speed, figuratively and literally leaving Chloe in the dust, making the half-dark elf yelp in surprise. As soon as the main gates were within a few meters away, the gunslinger skidded down to a halt, surprising the guards that were stationed there.

One of them, perhaps a new recruit judging by how young he looks, raised his lance at the newly-arrived gunslinger, the young lad shaking in his place as he did.

This wouldn't be the first time some people were hostile and intimidated every time Corzo White would come to a town. Whether it was back on Earth or any dimension the Hell Portals led to or even on this planet called Eostia, people were wary of the mysterious gunslinger that would come into their towns and disappear like the wind.

"Peace," the gunslinger held up one arm in a manner to placate the uneasy men, "I mean no harm." They were unsure of what he means by that as they still held their weapons out, although they look as if they prefer to avoid a conflict from happening.

Hearing the galloping of hooves, he glanced behind him to see that Chloe had finally caught up to him. From her expression on her face, she was not pleased when she saw him waiting by the gates with the uneasy guards.

"Why didn't you give me a warning before dashing, human trash?" she growled at him, making Corzo roll his eyes (although none can see it due to how they have this supernatural glow) as he addressed the guards.

"At ease, fellers," they were extremely reluctant to do so, "we just wanna do a li'l check on your little town. So open the gates an' let us two through and we'll be outta your hair," The gunslinger then turns to Chloe as the guards begin the process of opening the gates.

"To be frank, li'l missy," he noted that the half-dark elf's eyes narrowed as her scowl got a bit more intense when he addressed her as such, "I like ta' keep my friends on their toes, comprende? Looks like you could use it."

"I don't your helping me, human trash," Chloe retorted as she got off of her horse. The Shadow of the Dark Queen folded her arms underneath her petite breasts, frowning at the tall gunslinger accompanying her.

"Cry me a river, li'l missy," Corzo said as the two walked through the gates and into the Shield City of Ansur.

Ansur is one of the larger cities under the protection and/or influence of the Seven Shields Alliance. Established around twenty or so years after the war between Celestine Lucullus and Olga Discordia had begun, this city served originally as one of the more able training grounds for Celestine's forces, allowing the Seven Shields to quickly train more mercenaries and soldiers in hopes of fortifying as much of their cities while the already established mercenaries would deal with the Demon Armies of the North. As such, Ansur was known as the City of Mercenaries to all within Eostia.

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