02: Nigrum Fortuna; Mutare ad Adventum/The Black Fortress; The Coming Change

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[Chapter 2: Nigrum Fortuna; Mutare ad Adventum/The Black Fortress; The Coming Change]

-Seven Shield Alliance Capital of Ken-

By the time the Kuro Inu had arrived by the footsteps leading up to Celestine's palace, the Marine was already by the doors. His arms were crossed, his DS-117 Combat Shotgun was slung over his back, and he held a face of annoyance under his helmet. And the source of his annoyance just so happens to be the very same large band of warriors currently walking up to the palace gates.

His eyes could see their leader approaching the gates and smooth-talking his way past guards in an overconfident manner.

This man was tall, around six feet and three inches, with tanned skin coloring his muscular frame. His face sported a single large scar that diagonally went down to the left, barely missing the left eye. He had dull scarlet eyes and dull grayish brown hair, while his beard was kept to a shadow and his mustache kept the same manner/way.

The man wore a black tunic with his lower wear consisting of dark brown baggy pants with the portion on the knees and below the knees being encased in metal boots (steel, the Marine's HUD indicated) that clanked softly on the paved walkway and footsteps. His right hand was covered in a dull bluish gray glove with a metal brace of equal color around his wrist, while his left forearm and hand were covered by a gauntlet (sans the vambrace and couter) of the same color providing the only source of protection in that area of his body. On his back was a dull maroon cape that was currently flowing naturally with the wind.

The Marine can only see one weapon visible, that being the rather massive sword on the man's back. It was the same size as the man (if you include the grip and taller if you include the pommel shaped like a circular shovel-like piece), with the blades being a light obsidian.

He also saw the sole pauldron on the man's left shoulder, light obsidian with a red piece of metal attached showing a sideways view of a dog's head in black with a miniature greatsword just beside its neck position.

This was Vult, the leader of the Kuro Inu mercenary company and a decorated war veteran.

On his right was a man (at six feet straight) with brown hair and brown eyes wearing a green leather jacket over nothing, this exposed his bare muscular chest for all to see while wearing light blue pants and brown near-knee-length boots. Two shortswords were tucked into his belt, positioned to where he can draw them at a moment's notice.

This was Hicks, Vult's second in command and trusted ally.

On Vult's left was a young man (standing at five feet and nine inches) who wore a cerulean tunic with indigo sides separated with golden lines, worn under an indigo cape that covered his neck. He wore black pants with near-knee-length boots for his lowers, while on each wrist were two black braces attached to one another. His light brown hair and green eyes were completed with some circular glasses.

This was Kin, the Kuro Inu's resident mage.

By the time he was finished looking over the three big dogs of the group, he heard multiple footsteps from behind him. Without even turning to face them, he could already tell that Maia, Claudia, and Celestine were approaching with a handful of their elite guards.

"Oh! I did not expect you to be up so early, Sir Marine." Celestine's serene voice reached his ears as the High Elf looked up to him from the side. He simply grunted in response before cracking his knuckles and pulling out his Combat Shotgun. Granted there were other weapons more suited for taking on a massive horde, but one can't deny the sweet feeling of holding a pump-action shotgun in your hands.

Still, he simply held the weapon in one hand and to his side, not really feeling the need to use the weapon for now.

Maia took notice of the large gun and inquired with a question.

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