Chapter One- Autumn

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                                                                 Author's Note:

Hey y'all, this is mainly a dual perspective story about a girl named Arwen Rosettio, and a boy named Giordano (say JOR-dan-OH) Galterio. Time travel is invloved. I will be working on this story for a while, so, chapters might be redone or whatever. So that, when there comes a time where I will actually publish this story (I've been thinking about for at least a year now), it will be great. And one heck of a ride. If you have any suggestions that you feel would make any part of this book better, please tell me! I'm all ears! So enjoy, don't forget to be awesome, and be brave.


                                                                        Year, 1914 

I collapsed on the hard stone floor. Hard. Every small out of place rock pressing against me. I looked up, ignoring the endless pain I felt inside and out, and saw his face. The man who had been appearing in my dreams every night. And I saw him everywhere in the real world too. But it was always someone else who'd catch me staring at them, and that's when the awkward moment starts.

But now. Now he's laying on the floor in front of me. We meet eye contact. My light brown eyes meet his warm dark ones. Wide an alert. His skin was usually light, but ever so slightly more tan than mine. Yet now, he looks pretty scabbed up. Like me.

The rest of the world is dark.

Then, I see a dark shadow-like figure creep up into my vision.


It grabs my arm and yanks me toward it's faceless face. "Arghhhh!" I want to scream as I feel the pressure on my wounds. But as I try to make some sort of sound, nothing comes out. In the back I can see the man trying hard to run in and save me. He can't. It's like a strong wind is blowing him backwards the harder he tries. 

The figure finally lets go of my arm. On my arm, there are gray-ish black marks on it. And beginning with my finger tips, my right arm's color seems to...

fade away like...

bright ash?

I look at the man in front of me. He's looking at me, terrified, his facial expression seems to be filled with grief. As if I'm going to...

More parts of me turn pale - sickly pale. My hair begins to turn white. 

And all of a sudden, I begin to float, and before I blow away like an autumn leaf, the man painfully fights the merciless gravity that prevented him from saving me before. He reaches for my hand. I can feel the wind blowing as hard as a cyclone. His fingertips are so close! Yet... so far. In his eyes, I see love. 

But I don't even know him? And in what way does he love me?  

And in one powerfull gust of wind, I'm blown away. Not knowing where I'll end up nor if I'll survive.

                 I am Arwen. And it so happens I was blown away...

                                                                                                           like a leaf. 

into nowhere...


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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