Carrie: "That's wonderful news to hear! The reason I asked how Benji is with his biological mom's family is because Benji's biological dad's family has been talking with me and they are really interested in meeting with Benji."

Will: "Actually, Benji has been talking about wanting to meet with them. He has been talking about it with RJ and I for a few months now, but he is kinda hesitant. He is really afraid that they will be mean like his dad was."

Carrie: "That's understandable! That's definitely understandable. Benji's biological dad's mom recently divorced her husband, who was Benji's dad's father. He was very very abusive and that's probably why Benji's dad was abusive too. And Benji's biological dad's mom has just been wanting to meet with Benji and see him. She misses her son and Benji is a piece of her son. Benji biological dad's sister also wants to meet with Benji as well."

Will: "Is that all of the family that wants to meet with Benji? I don't wanna overwhelm him with too many people. I wanna do this just like we did it when Benji met his mom's parents."

Carrie: "Yes, that is all of the family that wants to meet him. There are no aunts, uncles or cousins. Benji's biological dad may have a grandmother, but I'm not sure about that detail. How do you feel about this?"

Will: "I am a little leery because they never wanted contact with Benji before and now all of the sudden they do. I just don't want them meeting him with bad intentions. I don't want them around if they are negative people or abusive people. RJ and I are very protective with Benji. I don't want them lying to Benji, saying how amazing his dad was because Benji knows he wasn't an amazing dad. He was abusive. Benji's biological dad is just a PTSD trigger to Benji and I want his family to respect that and to not push it."

Carrie: "That's understandable! I told them a little bit about Benji and his PTSD. I told then that Benji is in a very happy home as well."

Will: "I also don't want any drama with Benji's mother's side with his dad's side. I know they didn't like each other for a while after Benji's parents died. I just don't want Benji to deal with unnecessary family drama. I want him to have people in his life who love him and care about him."

Carrie: "This is a very big decision. I know Benji meeting his biological mother's family was a big deal and I know Benji meeting his biological father's family will be a even bigger deal. I want this to go smoothly if it happens and I want Benji's best interests first. But whatever you decide I will completely respect and I will tell Benji's biological dad's family you and RJ's decision.

Will: "Thank you. I think Benji would want to meet with them but I have to make sure he really wants to do this. Thank you for calling me, Carrie. I appreciate all of your help even after all of these years."

Carrie: "My pleasure, that's my job! My job is to help you and RJ with Benji! Even though he is adopted, I am still here to help!"

Will: "We appreciate everything you have done for Benji. It means so much to us. But I'll definitely talk to RJ and Benji tonight and see what they think about this situation. I'll definitely text you and let you know!"

Carrie: "Aw okay! I'll talk to you later! Have a great rest of your day!"

Will: "Talk to you later! Bye."

Carrie: "Talk to you soon! Bye!"

Will hangs up his iPhone and takes a deep breath. This is a very big decision to think about, and he wants what is the best for Benji.

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