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Early the next night, Josh was already awake, had already taken a shower and was starting to make a simple breakfast for the two. He was carrying around a baby monitor on his hip, having left the other in Tyler's bed.

He hadn't heard a sound coming from it, but he was still worried about Tyler, wanting to make sure he was okay until he trusted Josh.

After he'd made a thing of French toast, and the sun had set, Josh went back up the steps to check on the small boy. Josh slowly opened the door and sighed when he sat Tyler sitting up in a ball at the top of the bed. "Hey, why didn't you tell me you were awake," Josh asked him softly, sitting at the edge of the bed.

Tyler shook when Master sat on the bed, his nerves and fears getting the best of him, "I didn't want to bother you," Tyler told Him softly, pulling at the pajamas sleeves, tugging them over his hands.

Josh sighed softly, patting the spot on the bed beside him, "C'mere, Honey," Josh said softly, gently petting over Tyler's head when the boy came over to him. "Nothing you do could bother me, I promise, I'm here to take care of you, let's go get you a breakfast. We've got an important day ahead of us," Josh told him softly, picking him up from the bed, and carrying him downstairs.

Tyler shook a little still in his arms, laying his head down on Josh's shoulder, gripping his pajama shirt tightly, "Important?" Tyler asked him softly, looking up at him with a small frown. He knew what important meant, Josh was going to go off and find something to do, while Tyler stayed home all day alone. And he hated being alone more than anything. Alone was when other people could have access to him. Alone was when he couldn't do anything he wanted, even if what he wanted was two feet in front of him.

Josh gently sat Tyler down on a bar stool, pulling his hand from his chest, "Mhmn, important. You'll be meeting two of my very best friends, and I'm hoping they can help us," Josh told him softly, gently petting over his head before getting a plate of French toast from the counter and setting it down in front of him.

Tyler looked up at Him biting down on his lip, "Oh, I forgot about that, I'm sorry," Tyler whimpered out softly, shying away from looking into His eyes.

Josh gently pet over his head, "No, honey, no need to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. Forgetting something isn't wrong, it's nature, I promise, you're perfectly okay," Josh told him, starting to understand what made Tyler nervous, and what he could do to help.

Tyler nodded slowly, gently gripping His shirt, "Who are they?" Tyler asked, not looking up at his Master as he nervously felt the fabric of His shirt.

Josh pushed the plate a little closer to Tyler, letting Tyler's hand stay on his shirt until he was ready to pull it away, "Eat up, and I'll tell you about them," Josh said, watching him start eating, and smiling happily, "Um, there's Brendon and Ryan, Brendon's a little older than me, and he's really sweet, I hope you'll like him. Ryan, I don't know too well, Brendon's had him for a month, he's like you, Honey, a hybrid," Josh said softly, seeing Tyler whimper as he spoke. He gently caressed over Tyler's head, "Hey, what's the matter, bud?" Josh asked him softly, watching him put his fork down on the plate.

"I don't like that word." Tyler said with another small whimper, gently moving the stool to look at his Master, "I-I don't think I'm a hybrid. I'm me. I'm not any less because I'm not fully human, and I'm not any more because I'm not fully vampire. I'm me. I'm Tyler. I'm not a hybrid, I'm me." Tyler softly cried to Him, his small body shaking as he looked up at His Master, afraid that Josh was mad at him.

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