House Of Horrors

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Ok before we start I just wanna THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH FOR 100+ reads. It really means the absolute world to me that people are taking the time to read my content, some even continuing past chapter 1. You guys are making this possible. Also, if the episodes come out later, it's because i might be having a hard time coming up with ideas for the story. So please be patient, and again, thank you all. Words cannot express how much I love you guys. Now, on with the plot.

Regina George's house

"Hang your coats on the clothing rack, wipe your heels on the doormat, and Heather, come put your stuff in the guest bedroom." Everyone wanted to tell Regina to chill out, that she would be alright, but her house was too gorgeous to focus on anything else.

Cady, Gretchen, and Karen had already been here countless times, but this house just left the Heathers and Veronica awestruck. The white pillars gave it such a fancy feel, yet the cobblestone walls made it look so homey. The jaw-dropping gardens and the sparkling water fountain shot a sense of calm through everyone. Even Heather Chandler was slightly impressed. "I guess this place looks pretty cool," she said. She pulled her cherry-red suitcase from Regina's trunk and sashayed up the driveway.

Regina stared at all of them. "Don't be shy, come on in, all of you!" Karen, Cady, and Gretchen just followed the two leaders up. Duke, McNamara, and Veronica cautiously tiptoed (not so quietly, considering they all wore heels) into the elegant mansion.

"Hey hey hey, ladies! How ARE you guys?" Ms. George greeted the gals at the door. Gretchen explained,"Ms George, these are our exchange students from Ohio!!"

Ms George smiled wider than a black hole. "Oh, that's right! I've heard so much about you guys! Ms Chandler, Ms Duke, Ms McNamara, and Ms Sawyer!! Well, welcome to North Shore. If you guys need ANYTHING at all, you're more than welcome to ask. Right, Regina?"

Regina smiled sweetly, then bit back," Mom, could go to the laundry now? It's not going to do itself."

Ms George, wanting to act cool agreed. "Alright. You girls really keep me in check, you know that?" And with that, she was off.

Veronica, Duke, and Mac, however, were staring at the nipple-biting dog the whole time.

Regina spoke. "Come on losers, let me show you my room."

All 8 of them went into the model-like room. Veronica was about to admire the exquisite room out loud, when she felt a small vibration in her pocket.

💜Martha💜: Have you guys gotten into Illinois yet?
💙Ronnie💙: yea, we have. I think things are going to get messy soon between Heather and Regina, I think is her name.
💜Martha💜: Good luck with that.
💙Ronnie💙: Thanks.

"Veronica? Hello??"

Veronica was brought back by everyone staring at her. "Uhh..sorry, what?"

Heather Chandler chuckled. "I SAAIIIDD.. Veronica has a little diary too, doesn't she?"

Before she could answer, Regina scoffed. "It's not a DIARY, it's the Burn Book."

Heather Duke looked confused. "The what?"

Gretchen answered for her. "Well, you see, we cut out girl's pictures from the yearbook and we write down truths about them. For example: Amber D'Alessio made out with a hot dog. Dawn Schweitzer is too ugly to get a boyfriend. Then there's Janis Ian."

Karen popped in. "More like space dyke." Everyone laughed except for Veronica and Cady. Cady knew what Regina would do to Veronica, and she made herself a promise to keep her away from that.

And poor Veronica. This went against all of her morals. I mean yes, she was use to the Heathers making fun of people. This was taking it to a whole new level though. She prepared herself for the next week or so.

I'm so sorry that this is coming out later than I thought it would. It took me a while, but now I have some plot ideas for upcoming chapters. I'm also thinking about writing a text chat story someday, so look out for that. Until we meet again!!

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